July 21


#074: Our Leadership Crisis is a Self-Inflicted Wound

By Ron

July 21, 2014

minute read time

Crisis, Leadership

Last week I suggested there is a correlation between poor leadership that is driven by a preponderance of man’s wisdom, and a lack of God’s wisdom.

This week I learned about the American Bible Society report on the Bible in America that goes a long way toward confirming that thesis.

A Crisis in the Making

Some of the American Bible Society findings include:

  1. There has been a significant drop in the percentage of people who view the Bible as sacred in just three years: 2011 = 86%, 2014 = 79%.
  2. Bible ownership remains strong, but readership remains weak: 88% of households own a Bible, but only 37% of Americans read their Bible once a week or more.
  3. Millennials (ages 18-29) are leading the shift toward skepticism: 19% of Millennials believe no literature is sacred (46% more than the population as a whole); 35% of Millennials agree the Bible contains everything a person needs to know about a meaningful life (43% less than the population as a whole), 39% of Millennials never read the Bible (50% more than the population as a whole).
  4. The study suggests across a broad range of questions that Elders (age 68+) hold the Bible in the highest regard as sacred. Elders believe it represents the inspired word of God, and they read it more than any other age group. Boomers (ages 49 – 68) are slightly lower than Elders across most measures. Busters (ages 30-48) are lower than Boomers. And Millennials are lower still in almost every measure. The trend here is what is most disconcerting to me: every successive generation since the Elders has less and less regard for the Word of God. They see it and God, as less and less important in their lives.

Change is Needed to Avoid The Crisis!

If you accept my view that the world is suffering from a lack of strong leaders now (while Boomers are the vast majority of leaders), there is a crisis in the making. The future looks much bleaker as successive generations take the reins, each of whom cares less and less about God. If we don’t do something to create a dramatic shift back to God, our grandchildren will live in a society that will look nothing like the one we were fortunate enough to enjoy.

To avoid this leadership crisis and to accomplish the kind of change I am talking about, a modern revival across all spheres of society is needed:

  1. Churches need to start preaching God’s Word without apology. There is far too much compromise, and going along to get along coming from many of our pulpits. The Gospel is being watered down into a seeker-friendly bowl of mush that never supplies the nourishment believers need to grow in their faith.
  2. Parents need to take personal responsibility for their children’s religious education. Youth leaders I know complain that many parents drop their kids off at Sunday school and expect them to parent and educate their kids for the next 18 years. Parents, God gave you the responsibility of raising up your kids—take it seriously by teaching them God’s Word in your home.
  3. Christian schools need to get back to teaching traditional Biblical principles. Some of the stuff I have read that comes from ‘the learned’ in liberal Christian schools is out and out heresy. Our Christian schools need to be turning out Ephesians 6 warriors equipped with the whole armor of God and fully prepared to serve in His army.
  4. Christian leaders in public service and in the marketplace need to be an example of their faith in a way that attracts rather than repels seekers. Like the Bereans in Acts 17, we need to examine the Scriptures daily and have the courage to hold to their truth.
  5. All of us need to be a light unto the world (Matthew 5). Too many times, I have heard the phrase, “I would be interested in Christianity, except I know some Christians.” Our lives need to reflect God’s glory and mercy in a way that draws unbelievers to Him.

More Articles on Leadership Qualifications

Here are a few  other articles on the topic of leader qualifications. If you want even more, search the site for “leader qualifications.”

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. What do you think? Are we suffering from a leadership crisis that is likely to grow more grave with subsequent generations?

Categories: Personal Development | Leader Qualifications

About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Ron,
    Number five in your post “All of us need to be a light unto the world.” (Matthew 5). I think this is really it. The crisis of leadership comes down to the character, ethics and personal example of our leaders. There are glimmers of hope. I see amazing glimpses of leadership from time to time locally. I attended a memorial for a CHP officer who passed away at age 47, off duty, of an unexpected heart attack. The pastor for the service, a Baptist minister, did a great job of reminding us all what living a meaningful and faithful life should be. He too advocated for leading by example. It’s the best way for showing others God’s grace, and a path for better living and a richer life. All the best!

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