December 17


#304: Are Setbacks Merely Stepping Stones to God’s Purpose?

By Ron

December 17, 2018

minute read time

Joseph, Purpose, Setback, Stepping Stone

Have you ever been working toward a goal and suffered a major setback? Perhaps you were doing something God called you to do, and suddenly, something beyond your control stops you in your tracks.

It’s happened to me several times in my life! I think I am working toward what God wants for me and suddenly my plans are destroyed. I am left wondering where God was and what went wrong.

Looking back, I can see through perfect hindsight that every obstacle, every setback, was a really a step closer to God’s plan and purpose for my life.

One of the great examples of a man who suffered through numerous setbacks is the story of young Joseph recounted in the book of Genesis.

Setbacks to God’s Purpose

Most of have heard the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors given to him by his father. Joseph was the favored son of his father, Jacob, and everyone knew it.

We also know the story of how, in later years, God used Joseph to save his father and brothers from starvation when a great famine descended upon the land of the Israelites.

Between his time as favored child and when Joseph became second in command to Pharaoh in Egypt, Joseph suffered many setbacks.

Ultimately, though, each setback was merely a stepping stone to Joseph fulfilling God’s purpose for his life.

Joseph’s Setbacks

Here’s a recap of seven of the major setbacks in Joseph’s life.

1) Dysfunctional Family

When Joseph’s brothers saw their father loved Joseph more than them, they were jealous, and they hated Joseph (Genesis 37:3-5).

2) Despised and Rejected

After Joseph told his brothers about the dreams he had about them bowing down to him, they despised him all the more. They looked for a way to be rid of him. While they were on a trip, Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit to die. They conspired to tell their father Joseph had been killed by wild animals (Genesis 37:18-24).

3) Sold into Slavery

When a caravan of traders passed nearby, Joseph’s brothers decided it would be better to profit off their brother rather than to kill him. So, they sold him to the traders who took him to Egypt to be a slave (Genesis 37:26-28).

4) Traded to the Egyptians

When the traders got to Egypt, they sold Joseph as a household slave to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh (Genesis 37:36).

5) Forced into a New Culture

Joseph, a Hebrew, suddenly found himself in a foreign land. He knew no one. He didn’t know the language or the culture. Everything he had known in his old life that provided security and structure was gone (Genesis 39:1-6).

6) Wrongly Accused and Punished

While Potiphar was away, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph. Joseph refused her advances, and she got back at him by telling her husband Joseph tried to rape her. As punishment, Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison (Genesis 39: 7-19).

7) Forgotten by People He Helped

While in prison, Joseph correctly interpreted dreams for the Pharaoh’s baker and wine steward. Joseph asked the wine steward to remember him when the wine steward was released from prison, but the steward forgot all about Joseph (Genesis 40:14-23).

Where is God?

Jacob showed favoritism to Joseph that resulted in Joseph’s brothers being jealous. That jealousy grew into hatred. Hatred for Joseph led his brothers to their decision to kill him. Greed caused Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery.

The actions of Joseph’s brothers must have made him wonder where God was in his life.

As if the start of his life wasn’t enough of a challenge, Joseph ended up as a household slave in a foreign land. Just as he started to experience some success and freedom, Joseph was falsely accused of rape and imprisoned. In prison, Joseph helped the Pharaoh’s wine steward, who promptly forgot all about helping Joseph when the steward was released.

Joseph had to wonder why God had given him those dreams so many years ago only to suffer through so many trials and setbacks. It seemed at every turn in this man’s life something went wrong.

Finally, Pharaoh has dreams that he wants to be interpreted, and the wine steward remembers Joseph. Joseph is released from prison, interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, and is made second in command of the entire Egyptian empire.

Can you imagine? From prison rags to senior commander of Egypt almost overnight.

Joseph’s position as commander allowed him to save his father and brothers from starvation.

Where was God in Joseph’s life? God was with him at every step. Joseph summed it up nicely, responding to his brothers when he said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).

God used every setback in Joseph’s life as a stepping stone to accomplish His purpose! Perhaps the setback in your life is merely a stepping stone to achieving God’s plan and purpose in your life!

Join the Conversation

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Category: Personal Development | Dependence on God

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About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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