February 17


#365: Do You Lead Like an Owner or A Steward?

By Ron

February 17, 2020

minute read time

Owner, Steward

If I asked most of you whether you lead like an owner or a steward, I bet the most common answer would be that you lead like an owner!

It makes perfect sense that most of us say we lead like an owner. That ownership attitude has been ingrained in our business culture for several decades.

My first week on the job (shortly after dinosaurs were no longer roaming the earth), my boss sat me down and said, “Ron, I want you to think of your sales territory as your own little company. Every day when you go to work, I want you to pretend that you sold everything you could to raise money to start your company. You own it and you need to do whatever it takes to make it and you successful.”

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, though: this is not how it should be for us as Christians. As Christians, we should lead like a steward, not like an owner.

I know it’s counter-cultural, so please let me explain.

Be Steward, Not an Owner

As Christians, we recognize that God created the world and everything in it (Acts 17:24). God made it, and God owns it all.

God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and made them stewards. “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Genesis 2:15).

God owns it all, but He gave the responsibility of stewardship, to care for His garden, to Adam and Eve.

This concept of man’s responsibility as a steward is expanded in the New Testament.

In the Parable of the Talents (Luke 19:12-27), Jesus tells His disciples the parable to avoid the action of sitting idly by waiting for the Lord’s return and to instead actively invest what was entrusted to them.

In this parable, the stewards are charged with investing money. However, it is clear the bigger lesson is we should invest whatever we have been given; our time, treasure, and talents.

Remember, God owns it all. We are simply stewards entrusted with caring for what he has given us. God has given us our time, treasure, and talents and He expects us to invest them for His glory, not our own.

Attitude is Key

You see, if we think we can do what we want, when, and how we want, then we are acting in our own selfish interests. We are acting like owners. The problem is God is the owner. We are stewards!

A steward is responsible for caring for what has been entrusted to them by the owner. When we act like an owner, we are putting ourselves in place of God.

It comes down to attitude. If you accept that God owns it all, and we are stewards of what He has given us, then we want to invest our time, treasure, and talents to bring honor and glory to God.

If we think of ourselves as owners, then we invest our time, treasure, and talent for our own selfish interests.

Attitude Impacts our Leadership

Our attitude, whether we see ourselves as an owner or as a steward, is reflected in our leadership.

If we think like an owner, accountable only to ourselves, then we will lead like an owner. Our leadership is selfishly focused on ourselves; on what benefits us.

However, if we see ourselves as stewards, then we will lead like a steward. Our leadership is focused outwardly on building up God’s kingdom and His people. A steward leader is a selfless leader, whose primary concern is caring for whatever God has given them.

Therefore, my advice to a young leader just starting in their career today is a little different from the advice my boss gave me. I might say, “I want you to remember every day as you go to work that God has granted you this day to make a difference for Him. He has given you all the tools and resources you need, and He trusts you to use them in a way that will bring Him honor and glory. If you do that, one day, you will stand before the Father and hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant, share in your master’s joy!”

More Articles on Obedience to God

I’ve written several other articles on Obedience to God. If you want to read them you can search for “Obedience to God” in the search bar. Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Are leading like a steward in all areas of your life or are there some areas where you are leading like an owner?

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Category: Personal Development | Obedience to God

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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