September 15

ILM #011: Pleasant Words Nourish the Soul and Soothe the Body

Today in our Inspired Leadership Minute I want us to look at Proverbs 16:24: “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” 

In this simile, Solomon is saying gracious, pleasant words are like honey that nourishes the soul and soothes the body. In Solomon’s day, honey was not only used as a natural sweetener for all kinds of food but raw honey was also used as an antibiotic to heal wounds and soothe burns.

What is the lesson for us as leaders today?

Words have a tremendous impact, especially when they come from a leader.  What you say and how you say it has the power to build up or to tear down not only individuals but whole organizations. Gracious words and pleasant speech will build people up and bring healing to the broken.

Do what you can, even in the midst of challenging situations, to make your words gracious so that they are received openly and contribute to the well-being of those the Lord has given you the responsibility to lead.

Please leave me a comment and let me know how this week’s Inspired Leadership Minute inspired you!


body, nourish, Pleasant, Proverbs 16:24, soothe, Soul, words

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  • Your post is a great reminder, Ron. As a police chief, I’ve found that gracious and sincere comments go a long way. Also, taking the time to notice and comment on the good work of others validates their efforts and lets them know you appreciate their work. I sometimes see leaders miss opportunities to acknowledge others. Taking the time to do so creates a better work environment, builds rapport, trust and loyalty. Many thanks!

    • John,
      You are SO right! I think the most common leadership weakness I ran across in my career was leaders who failed to recognize the good work of others! I hate to admit how weak I was in this area in my younger years but I sure tried to make up for it when I realized how powerful kind words of recognition were!

  • This statement is so truthful. Growing up in my era, adults said, “Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you”. Such a lie made up by man. Jesus said the truth will set you free. Only when we know the truth that Jesus speaks in the bible will we understand God’s wisdom and not man’s. Only then can we discern how to live in the spirit and not in this world.
    Ron, your blog and messaging are so relevant today and available for for all of to learn and implement. Keep up the good work that God started in you.

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