December 1

ILM #022: Use Words of Encouragement to Build Others Up

Today in our Inspired Leadership Minute I want us to look at Proverbs 18:20: “From the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.”         

This proverb is a little hard to wrap our heads around because most of us are not familiar with these metaphors. In this case, the “fruit of his mouth” is a reference to the words he speaks. The reference to the “harvest from his lips” speaks to the result of his words.

Solomon is saying the words we use have the power to build others up; filling them, satisfying them. Words also have the power to tear down, leaving the hearer empty, starving for affirmation.

What does that mean for us as leaders today?

Has someone ever offered kind words of encouragement to you? Did their words build you up; satisfy you? Did their encouragement make you want to do more?

Or has someone come at you with harsh words, tearing you down? Did you feel discouraged, worthless? Did their verbal attack cause you to want to do more, or did you want to slink away into a dark closet for a good cry?

Christian leaders, we need to realize the powerful impact our words have on those around us. We need to be careful to always use words that that will yield a good harvest!

That’s it for this week’s Inspired Leadership Minute. My prayer is that together we will be the powerful, inspired leaders God intends us to be!

Please leave me a comment and let me know how this week’s Inspired Leadership Minute inspired you!


Discouraged, encouraged, fruit, mouth satisfied, Proverbs 18:20

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