February 10


#364: Are You Waiting for Perfect Conditions?

By Ron

February 10, 2020

minute read time

Ecclesiastes, Perfect Conditions, Solomon

Some people say that if you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

I’ve certainly found that to be true this year!

You see, the area where I live had a massive infestation of Japanese June Bugs. These little fellas hatch into grubs that eat the roots of your grass. Even though I put bug killer down five times, these little ravenous grubs destroyed my entire front lawn.

There was no sense in trying to patch the lawn since there was almost no grass left. So, over the summer, I dug out all the remaining grass and was all ready to plant when it started to get hot. The nursery guy said to wait until cool weather in the fall to plant. So, I did.

In the fall, as the weather cooled, I made my plan to fix some sprinklers, rototill, and replant the front lawn. I got the sprinklers fixed, then rototilled the yard. As soon as the dirt settled and I leveled it all out, I would be ready to plant.

The week I had a free day and I was ready to plant, it started to rain. It rained on and off for two weeks. I couldn’t plant in the rain!

As soon as it stopped raining, the sun came out. Then, guess what? The warmer weather caused a whole bunch of weeds to start growing. So, I had to spray to kill the weeds–three times over two weeks.

I was ready to plant the grass but got delayed again because we were dog-sitting my daughter’s dog while she was away for a few days. I didn’t want to risk having the dog romp through my newly planted grass and tear it all up.

If nothing else goes wrong, I should be able to plant the grass after our grand-puppy goes home.

I’m sure my neighbors will be happy since my yard has been torn up in one way or another for the last nine months.

You see because I waited for the elusive “perfect conditions,” the grass never got planted!

Life is like that sometimes, isn’t it? We wait for perfect conditions and never get anything done.

It turns out that Solomon also had some wise advice when it comes to taking a risk and getting things done!

Don’t Wait for Perfect Conditions

The Bible describes Solomon as the wisest man in the world (1 Kings 4:30). In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon gave us some advice about avoiding the trap of waiting for perfect conditions.

He said being productive means being proactive, taking the risk, not being full of excuses, working hard, and keeping your focus on God.

Be Proactive & Take Risk

Solomon had a fleet of trading ships (1 Kings 9:26-28). So, he understood every time they put out to sea, there was a risk, but while ships in the harbor are safe, that’s not what the ship is made for. They must set out to sea with faith that their journey would meet with success.

In Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, Solomon advised us to “cast our bread upon the water.” We have to be proactive and cast our bread upon the water. Solomon also said to cast it out in several portions. By doing so, some will come back, even if some meet disaster.

The lesson for us is we must act in faith. We must be proactive and willing to take some risks to reap a reward.

Avoid Excuses

I had plenty of excuses for why I couldn’t plant my grass. I had to kill the grubs. The sprinklers needed to be fixed. It was too hot. It was raining. The weeds grew. The dog was coming.

In Ecclesiastes 11:3-5, Solomon said you have no idea what the weather will be, or where the wind will come from, so you just need to stop making excuses, and get busy and plant!

The lesson for us is there is always some reason, some excuse, why we can’t do something. If we wait for perfect conditions great opportunities will pass us by and you just might end up with a yard with no grass!

Work Hard

My grandfather was a farmer, and he was the hardest working man I ever knew. He was up before dawn and out to the farm to care for the cows and chickens before spending a day in the fields. During the winter months, when the ground was frozen, he fixed all the equipment so it would be ready when he needed it in the spring.

In Ecclesiastes 11:6-8, Solomon reminds us that a successful farmer gets up early in the morning and works hard. He does not spend his time in idle pursuits.

The lesson for us is great achievements in life require dedication and hard work. You can’t expect to reap a harvest if you spend your days sitting in a chair staring at the field. You have to put in the hard work to reap a reward.

Focus on God

We have an endless number of ways to spend our time and treasure. Some of these pursuits are fun but don’t get us closer to what God has called us to do. It is so easy to get distracted and waste away our lives doing things that are fun but are not part of God’s plan for our lives.

In Ecclesiastes 11:7-10, Solomon reminds us to enjoy our lives, have fun in our work, but remember that God will judge us for how we lived our lives.

The lesson for us is that regardless of what we choose to do throughout our lives; we need to keep our focus on God and His plan for our lives. Worry and anxiety about what I should do next melt away when I know I am in the center of God’s will for my life.

So, whatever is going on in your life, if you are waiting for perfect conditions to do whatever called has called you to do, STOP WAITING!

  • DO follow Solomon’s advice and be proactive and willing to take some risk.
  • STOP making excuses for why you can’t do something.
  • DO buckle down and commit to working hard to achieve your goals. And most important,
  • DO keep your focus on God and His plan for your life!

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • Have you ever experienced a situation where you were waiting for ideal conditions before taking action? What were the reasons behind your decision to wait? How did it affect the outcome?
  • How do you interpret the concept of taking risks and being proactive in pursuing your goals or dreams? Can you share an example from your own life or someone you know who took a leap of faith and achieved success?
  • Excuses can often hinder progress and prevent us from taking action. What are some common excuses that people use to justify their inaction or delay in pursuing their aspirations? How can individuals overcome these excuses and move forward?
  • Hard work and dedication are often considered key factors in achieving success. In your opinion, what role does hard work play in reaching goals and realizing dreams? Can you share a personal experience where your dedication and effort paid off?
  • How does having a sense of purpose and aligning one’s actions with their values or beliefs contribute to personal fulfillment and achievement? How do you maintain focus on your core beliefs and values while pursuing your goals and aspirations?

More Articles

I’ve written numerous other articles on “courage/risk-taking.” If you want to read them you can search for “courage” in the search bar. Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. What is keeping you from achieving all that God has for you? Are you waiting for perfect conditions?

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I took my own advice and stopped making excuses. I carved out some time on a busy day, rented a truck to get all the supplies I needed, and got my grass planted. Finally! The front and back yard. Done! The whole project took a little over four hours. Sometimes our excuses make a project seem bigger and harder to accomplish than it really is! Now all I have to do is keep watering it and wait for the seeds to germinate. I’ll be mowing the lawn in just a few weeks!

Perfect Conditions


Category: Personal Development | Courage/Risk-Taking

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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