December 5


#511: How Can Christian Leaders Be A Powerful Example in Our Companies?

Here are 7 questions to ask yourself to determine if you are being a powerful example as a Christian leader!

By Ron

December 5, 2022

minute read time

Christian Leaders, Example

If you wonder whether or not the example of a leader in employees’ lives is important, check out this list of companies. Each company was founded and run by Christian leaders whose faith permeated the ranks of their company.

  • Chick-fil-a
  • Hobby Lobby
  • In-n-Out
  • Curves
  • Carl’s Jr.
  • Forever 21
  • Wendy’s
  • Tyson’s Foods

Each one of these companies competes in a challenging industry. The founders credit their faith in God and the fact that they boldly follow Biblical principles with their success.

Thousands upon thousands of small local businesses share a similar story of faith in God.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of Christian leaders in large businesses whose personal faith in God is an example to their employees and customers.

The Leader Who Was a Powerful Example

In the book of Mark, there is a story of a minor character, a man named Jairus, who demonstrates how a leader can be a powerful example.

In chapter 5, Mark tells the story of Jairus, a synagogue ruler. Jairus’ daughter was sick and dying, and Jairus turned to Jesus, begging him to heal his daughter.

As a synagogue ruler, Jairus was an important man around town. His position alone gave him prominence, prestige, and power. When he spoke, people listened! Additionally, he was most likely a Pharisee, the day’s most prominent and powerful religious group.

Jairus may have been a religious man, an important man of prominence with power and prestige, but none of that would save his dying daughter. In desperation, he turned to Jesus to save his daughter.

In Mark’s retelling of Jairus’ story, Jairus demonstrates an example of a powerful leader meeting Jesus.

“Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet.  He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.” So Jesus went with him (Mark 5:22-24).”

How He Approached Jesus

The first thing we see as Jairus recognizes and approaches Jesus is that he fell at Jesus’ feet. Jairus didn’t care who was around or who saw what happened. Instead, when Jairus saw Jesus, he humbled himself and dropped to his knees before the Lord.

The life of his precious daughter was at stake. Nothing mattered more at that moment than saving her. Jairus was not afraid to approach Jesus or to humble himself before God in front of the entire community to save his daughter.

How He Appealed to Jesus

The next thing Jairus did was plead earnestly with Jesus to come and save his daughter’s life. “Please come,” he said, “and heal her so she will live.”

Jairus counted on Jesus to heal his daughter, and his prayerful pleading with Jesus reflected his faith in Jesus’ ability to heal her.

How He Associated with Jesus

As soon as Jairus came to Jesus and told Him about his dying daughter, Jairus invited Jesus into his home. Despite his position as a ruler in the synagogue, Jairus was not afraid or ashamed to invite Jesus publicly to his home.

From the moment he saw Jesus, everything Jairus did was in public. He didn’t take Jesus aside and whisper his plea in Jesus’ ear. He didn’t sneak Jesus to his house through a back road. He humbled himself and pleaded for his daughter’s life without caring who saw or heard his prayer. Then, he confidently led Jesus through the crowd and beyond the mourners who had gathered at his home.

As the story concludes, Jesus reassures Jairus, enters his home, and heals his daughter, restoring her life (Mark 5:40-42). Because of Jairus’ example of courage and faith, a young girl was restored to life, a family was saved from grief, and a whole community saw the miracle of the girl’s resurrection.

Lessons from Jairus for Christian Leaders Today

Jairus demonstrated how we, as Christian leaders, can and should set an example in our companies. Ask yourself these questions:

How We Approach Jesus

Employees need to see leaders who are courageous and unashamed of their faith.

  • Do your employees know that you are a Christian?
  • Have your employees ever heard your testimony of salvation and faith in Christ?

How We Appeal to Jesus

Employees need to see leaders who are not afraid to humble themselves and worship God in public.

  • Do employees see you placing your faith in Jesus above everything else?
  • Do employees see a man who loves the Lord and is unashamed of his faith?
  • Do employees see you praying for them and the business?

How We Associate with Jesus

Employees need to see courageous leaders confess their need for Christ and invite Him into the workplace.

  • Do employees see you submit to Jesus and lead according to His principles?
  • Do you support Bible studies in your workplace?

Because of your example as a courageous Godly leader, employees will see the face of God through you. You will be, as Jesus said, a light to the world that draws others to the Father (Matthew 5:14-16).

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a useful framework for guiding a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  1. How can leaders balance being a powerful example of their faith while also respecting diversity and differing beliefs among their employees?
  2. How can leaders ensure that their faith-based principles positively impact the success and growth of their company?
  3. How can leaders create a workplace culture that values and respects employees’ beliefs while still maintaining a strong emphasis on their own faith?
  4. How can leaders use their faith as a tool for motivation and inspiration for their employees without crossing any professional boundaries?
  5. How can leaders ensure that their personal faith does not interfere with their ability to make objective and effective business decisions?

More Articles

I have written several articles on this topic. You can find them by typing “power and influence” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are five of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Which of these three aspects of setting an example in your organization seems the hardest to you?

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Category: Relationships | Power/Influence

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Chic-fil-a is a great example. My wife and I often comment on how impressed we are with their employees. Always welcoming, polite, and friendly. They always ask how our day is going. Clearly, Chic-fil-a has an exemplary training program, but at its essence are the sound principles and Christian leadership of the founders.

    • I agree about Chick Fil A. I had a chance to meet and talk to Dan Cathy when he and his team were at a local college. Even in the few minutes we had, it was clear that the organization’s heart and soul come from the top!

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