October 30


#558: Building Trust in Leadership: A Christian Lens on Competency, Consistency, and Character

Have you ever wondered what distinguishes exceptional Christian leaders from the rest? Dive deep into the transformative triad of trust in leadership: Competency, Consistency, and Character. Discover the Biblical backbone of each and embark on a journey to leave a Christ-centered legacy.

By Ron

October 30, 2023

minute read time

Character, Competence, Consistency, Trust in Leadership

In any leadership landscape, one element sets exceptional leaders apart from the rest: trust.

Trust in leadership isn’t merely a bonus—it’s the backbone of effective leadership. For Christian leaders, this concept extends beyond organizational success; it reflects their spiritual commitment. Dive deeper into the Scripture, and one finds that trust in leadership can be distilled into three fundamental pillars: Competency, Consistency, and Character.

Let’s unpack these components to grasp the essence of trust in Christian leadership.

1. Competency: Trust Through Skill and Knowledge

Competency refers to the belief that someone possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and proficiency to perform a task or role. In a Biblical context, when God selected Bezalel for a significant task, it was a nod to Bezalel’s competence. “See, I have chosen Bezalel…and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.” (Exodus 31:1-5)

As Christian leaders, it’s paramount that we are not only passionate but also competent in our roles. Regardless of your role in business or ministry, honing your skills and expertise is an act of service. It’s about stewarding the tasks God entrusted to us with excellence.

2. Consistency: Trust Through Reliability

Consistency pertains to the predictability of one’s behavior based on past actions. A consistent leader is reliable, acting with predictability and steadiness. The Bible tells us, “God is not a man, that He should lie… Does He promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19) This speaks volumes of God’s consistent nature, offering us a roadmap to emulate.

Imagine a God that was unpredictable, changing His promises on a whim. It would be impossible to have faith in such inconsistency. But the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). In leadership, it’s not enough to “start strong”; we must also “stay strong,” proving our reliability over time. Let’s be the rocks others can firmly stand upon in a world of shifting sands.

3. Character: Trust Through Integrity

Character encompasses an individual’s values, integrity, and sincerity. A person’s character dictates that they act honestly, transparently, and in line with moral and ethical principles. The wisdom from Proverbs highlights this perfectly, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” (Proverbs 10:9)

At the heart of trust lies character. It’s the foundation upon which both competency and consistency stand. Psalm 15 outlines the traits of one who can dwell in God’s sanctuary—truthfulness, righteousness, and honor. As leaders, we must remember that our followers and the Almighty scrutinize our actions, words, and decisions. Nurturing a character rooted in Christ’s teachings is non-negotiable.

In Conclusion: Trust in Leadership as a Christ-Centered Legacy

Trust isn’t built overnight but can be lost in a moment. As Christian leaders, the call is clear: to model ourselves after Jesus Christ. This requires a commitment to cultivating competency in our roles, demonstrating consistency in our actions, and upholding an unwavering character anchored in the Word.

Take a moment today to reflect: Where do you stand on the trust triad? And more importantly, where can you grow? Let the journey of building and strengthening trust in leadership begin, backed by the timeless wisdom of the Scriptures. Remember, in the kingdom of God, trust isn’t just a leadership trait; it’s our legacy.

Discussion Questions on Trust in Leadership

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for guiding a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • Trust and Competency: How does a leader’s competency directly influence your trust in leadership? Are there instances where you felt trust was compromised due to a lack of skill or knowledge?
  • Consistent Leadership: Can you recall a situation where inconsistency in a leader’s actions affected your trust in their leadership? How did this impact the dynamics of your team or organization?
  • Character’s Role: How does a leader’s character shape your trust in their leadership? Are there specific attributes that are non-negotiable for you?
  • Biblical Examples: Which Biblical leaders exemplify the epitome of trust in leadership for you? How do their lives and decisions inspire your leadership journey?
  • Cultivating Trust: In your leadership role or potential future roles, what steps can you take to foster deeper trust among those you lead? How can you ensure that gained trust is maintained?
  • Daily Practices: What routines or daily rituals can you incorporate to bolster each of the three pillars of trust in your leadership?

More Articles

I have written several articles on values. You can find them by typing “Values” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent articles.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. In your experience, what happens in an organization when a leader lacks one of these three trust-building components?

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Category: Personal Development | Values

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Trust is definitely earned. By keeping one’s word. By walking your talk. Being consistent. Being competent. And knowing how to ask for forgiveness when we stumble.

    • Knowing how to ask for forgiveness is really important! So often, we try to position ourselves as trustworthy, but there are times when we all blow it in one way or another. That’s why being willing to ask for forgiveness is the first step toward restoring trust!

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