January 1


#567: From Gideon’s Fleece to 2025: Embracing Challenges with Faith

Standing at the threshold of the new year, do you seek a guiding light amidst life's uncertainties? Dive into Gideon's story and discover how his ancient tale offers profound insights for today's leaders yearning for divine clarity.

By Ron

January 1, 2024

minute read time

Embracing Challenges, Gideon's Fleece

As the sun sets on another year, and we stand on the precipice of 2025, how do you feel?

Are you anxious, wondering what lies ahead? Hopeful for what’s to come? Uncertain about the decisions you’re making? Reflecting on the past year, it’s clear that challenges have never been a stranger to us. Yet, isn’t it in God’s Word that we find our compass, our anchor, especially in turbulent times?

In the pages of the Bible, many have stood where we stand now – at the threshold of the unknown, seeking guidance and assurance from above. One such figure whose tale resonates deeply with the uncertainties and hopes we hold as leaders is Gideon.

The Significance of Gideon’s Story

The tale of Gideon is more than just a narrative; it’s a testament to God’s power working through human vulnerability. For seven long years, the Midianites oppressed the Israelites. The weight of their cruelty crushed spirits and dwindled hopes. Yet, in this daunting context of fear and oppression, God’s voice pierced through, calling out to Gideon.

When the Angel of the Lord first approached Gideon, he was threshing wheat in a winepress, hiding from the Midianites. Does that resonate with you? How often do we find ourselves ‘hiding’ from the challenges in our lives? Gideon, from the start, was incredulous. “Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?” (Judges 6:13)

His questions mirror those we often find ourselves asking. When trials come, when leadership feels more like a burden than a blessing, we too wonder, “Where is God in all of this?”

But God saw something in Gideon that perhaps he didn’t see in himself. The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” (Judges 6:14)

Despite his self-doubts and perceived insignificance, God chose Gideon for a monumental task. He was to be a beacon of hope, a deliverer. But, like us, he needed assurance.

Gideon’s Fleece as a Symbol

Gideon’s request to God involving the fleece is a story rich in symbolism and meaning. When he laid out that fleece on the ground, it wasn’t merely a test but a manifestation of the complex interplay between human apprehension and divine guidance.

The Context

Remember, Gideon was about to lead a significantly reduced army against a formidable enemy. The odds, humanly speaking, were overwhelmingly against him. In such a moment, who wouldn’t seek assurance? Who wouldn’t want to ensure they were indeed aligned with God’s will?

The Fleece’s Dual Outcome

First, Gideon asked for the fleece to be wet and the ground dry. Then, he asked for the reverse. This wasn’t whimsical doubt but a deliberate, deep-seated desire to discern God’s will. It was as if he was saying, “God, if this is truly Your will, make it undeniably clear.”

Parallel to Today’s World

In our lives, aren’t there times when the path ahead seems daunting, and we wish for a ‘fleece’ moment? A sign from God that we are on the right track? Consider the complex decisions leaders today must make – ethical dilemmas, moral challenges, paths that seem right but have profound implications. Isn’t it natural, then, to seek clarity amidst the clamor?

Beyond The Physical Sign

While the wet and dry fleece provided physical evidence of God’s intent, on a deeper level, it emphasized that God understands our need for reassurance. He doesn’t chide us for our need for clarity; He meets us in it.

In conclusion, Gideon’s fleece is more than an ancient artifact of a bygone era. Instead, it’s a poignant reminder that in our walk with God, especially as leaders with weighty responsibilities, it’s okay to seek, ask, and yearn for His unmistakable touch and guidance in our lives.

Relating Gideon’s Journey to Modern-Day Leadership

In Gideon’s time, the challenges were clear: a tangible enemy, the Midianites, oppressing his people. However, today’s leaders face more insidious foes: societal pressures, moral ambiguities, spiritual apathy, and sometimes, the deafening silence when we yearn to hear God’s voice amidst our decisions.

Gideon’s struggles mirror our own journey in leadership. From feeling ill-equipped, as Gideon did, being from the weakest clan in Manasseh to doubting our own worth and calling, these challenges persist. Yet, just as God used Gideon, a man filled with doubts, to achieve a divine purpose, He seeks to use us in our imperfections.

Facing 2025 with the Spirit of Gideon

Let’s pause and reflect. As we approach 2024, are we listening to that still, small voice guiding us? Are we boldly stepping out in faith or hesitating, waiting for a sign like Gideon’s fleece? The coming year’s challenges might be unknown, but God’s presence is a guarantee.

Remember, with just 300 men chosen by God, Gideon defeated a vast Midianite army. If God could use Gideon, a man filled with questions and fears, to bring about such a victory, imagine what He can accomplish through you. The point isn’t how big our army is but how big our God is.

In conclusion, as we stand on the brink of a new year, remember that our strength doesn’t lie in numbers, resources, or strategies, but in a God who chooses the weak to shame the strong. As leaders, our mandate isn’t just to lead but to lean – lean on Him who calls us, equips us, and assures us, just as He did with Gideon. So, I ask you today, are you ready to step into 2024 with not just hope but with faith, courage, and conviction? The choice is always yours.

Action Steps

  1. Daily Reflection: Spend at least 10 minutes each morning quietly reflecting, focusing on a Bible verse or passage. Use this time to seek God’s guidance, especially when uncertain or overwhelmed. Remember Gideon’s story and seek inspiration from his dialogue with God.
  2. Journal Your Journey: Create a spiritual journal. Document moments when you feel doubt and contrast them with moments of clarity and divine intervention. Over time, observe how God moves in your life, just as He did with Gideon.
  3. Seek Mentorship: Find a spiritual mentor or join a leaders’ Bible study group. Engage in discussions about the challenges of leadership and how biblical figures, like Gideon, responded to their call.
  4. Strengthen Community Ties: Host monthly gatherings or webinars with your community, focusing on strengthening faith and leadership skills. Share stories of how God has shown up in challenging situations, mirroring what He did with Gideon.
  5. Commit to Prayer: Introduce dedicated prayer time into your routine, specifically focusing on seeking God’s will in your leadership decisions. Use Gideon’s fleece as a metaphor, asking God for clarity and assurance in your endeavors.
  6. Encourage Open Dialogue: Create platforms within your community or organization where individuals can openly express their doubts, fears, or needs for reassurance, just as Gideon did. This fosters an environment where faith can be collectively strengthened.
  7. Set Clear Objectives: For 2024, set tangible spiritual and leadership goals. Whether reading the Bible in a year, spearheading a faith-based community project, or mentoring a new Christian leader, ensure your actions align with your spiritual objectives.
  8. Stay Accountable: Find an accountability partner. Share your spiritual and leadership goals for 2024 with them, and have regular check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and moments of divine clarity.
  9. Engage in Service: Emulate Gideon’s leadership by actively serving those in need within your community. Organize outreach programs, charity events, or service days to both lead and serve, keeping Christ’s teachings at the heart of your actions.
  10. Continued Learning: Dedicate time each month to dive deeper into other biblical stories of leadership. Draw parallels with today’s world and your own experiences, ensuring you continually grow in faith and your role as a Christian leader.

Discussion Questions

  • Personal Reflection on Gideon: How do you relate to Gideon’s need for assurance from God? Can you recall when you sought similar reassurance in your life? How did God respond?
  • Modern Challenges and Biblical Parallels: In what ways do you see contemporary society reflecting the challenges faced by Gideon and the Israelites? Are there specific “Midianites” in today’s world that you feel Christian leaders need to confront?
  • The Role of Doubt in Faith: Some argue that doubt is the antithesis of faith, while others believe it is an essential component that strengthens one’s relationship with God. What are your thoughts on this dichotomy? How has doubt played a role in your spiritual journey?
  • Community and Leadership: The article emphasizes the importance of a supportive Christian community. How has being a part of a faith community influenced your leadership style or decisions? How can Christian leaders better foster and nurture such communities?
  • Embracing the New Year: Given the lessons from Gideon’s story, what practical steps do you plan to take as you enter 2024? How can we hold each other accountable for embracing the year with faith and courage while being open to God’s guidance?

More Articles on Leadership Development

I’ve written numerous other articles on leadership development. You can search for “leadership development” in the search bar to read them. Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. What aspect of Gideon’s faith journey resonates most with you? Why?

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Category: Skills | Leadership Development

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • I feel like we’re facing a kind of Medianite army today, cloaked in the guise of egocentric secularism, relativism, materialism, all at the expense of something deeper. Something divine. I hope we prevail like Gideon. Happy New Year, Ron.

    • An apt comparison, John! In the short run, we will prevail against this modern “Midianite army” only if we trust God and follow him faithfully. In the long run, God prevails.

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