March 18


#578: Will You Respond to The Call to Christian Leaders to Lead with Faith?

Discover how Christian business leaders today are uniquely positioned to influence and inspire, bridging the gap left by faltering church leadership with actionable insights rooted in Jeremiah’s timeless warnings.

By Ron

March 18, 2024

minute read time

Christian Leaders, Lead with Faith

In recent times, the landscape of church leadership has encountered a myriad of challenges, raising concerns about the adherence to and propagation of Biblical teachings.

Numerous instances have surfaced where church leaders entrusted with guiding their congregations in the path of righteousness appear to stray from the core principles laid out in God’s Word. From moral failings and financial indiscretions to a perceived disconnect in addressing contemporary social issues, these lapses undermine the credibility of individual leaders and cast a shadow on the collective integrity of the Church.

The result of this decline is reflected in a recent Gallup survey, which ranked the honesty and ethical standards of 23 occupations. Sadly, clergy ranked 11th, with only 32% of respondents saying clergy had very high or high ethical standards. Imagine only one out of three people rank clergy, the men responsible for giving out God’s Word, as having high ethical standards.

As disturbing as this is, it is not new. Throughout the scripture, we see example after example of the men of God refusing to handle God’s Word with integrity, failing to lead people into a right relationship with God.

Heeding Jeremiah’s Warning

One such example occurs in the book of Jeremiah as the prophet addresses the spiritual failings of Israel’s leaders and the consequential impact on its people.

Jeremiah’s ministry came at a time of deep spiritual and moral crisis in Israel (sound familiar?). The priests and prophets, who were supposed to guide the people towards God, failed in their duties.

In Jeremiah 2, God rebukes these leaders for neglecting Him and pursuing worthless idols. He writes:

“The priests did not ask, “Where is the Lord?” Those who deal with the law did not know me; the leaders rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied Baal, following worthless idols.” (Jeremiah 2:8)

The spiritual abandonment of the leaders led to the nation’s moral decay. The people had forsaken God and turned to idol worship (Jeremiah 2:13).

The Current Landscape: Challenges in Church Leadership

This biblical narrative offers a compelling parallel to the contemporary challenges Christian business leaders face. In an era where spiritual leadership within churches can sometimes waver, there is an emergent need for Christian leaders in the business world to rise and guide their communities with integrity and faithfulness to God’s commands.

Sadly, leaders in various business professions fared even worse than clergy in the Gallup survey. The honesty and ethical standards survey placed business executives, insurance salespeople, and stockbrokers at only 12%. Or 1 out of 9 as being honest and having ethical standards!

Leaders in our government fared even worse! Senators came in at 8%, while members of Congress were dead last at only 6%, judged as honest with high ethical standards.

The Opportunity for Today’s Leaders

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of leadership within both the ancient context of Jeremiah’s warnings and the modern challenges today’s leaders face, it becomes clear that the underlying issues transcend time and culture. The parallels between the two eras underscore a profound need for integrity, accountability, and spiritual guidance aligning with God’s Word.

The dismal rankings across faith-based, business, and government leaders create tremendous opportunities for us as Christian leaders. You see, marketers are always on the lookout for what we call “points of differentiation.” How can we differentiate our offering from everyone else? The answer for Christian leaders is that we are uniquely positioned to influence both the marketplace and the faith community by living out our faith in a way that brings honor and glory to God. While the majority of leaders lack honesty with questionable ethics, we stand apart; we stand for God and His principles.


The message of Jeremiah is as relevant today as it was in ancient Israel. It serves as a reminder of the consequences when spiritual leaders fail in their duties. In today’s context, this message is a clarion call to us as Christian business leaders. We have the opportunity, and indeed the responsibility, to lead by example, to uphold God’s commands in our professional lives, and to guide others in integrating their faith with their work. Just as Jeremiah called for a return to faithfulness, so too must today’s Christian business leaders rise to the challenge, becoming beacons of God’s light in the marketplace and beyond.

Action Steps for Today’s Christian Business Leaders

In a landscape where the integrity of leadership is increasingly questioned, it’s imperative for Christian business leaders to actively embody and promote God’s principles in their professional lives. Here are actionable steps to guide you in making a tangible difference, both within your sphere of influence and the broader community, through faith-driven leadership.

  1. Prioritize Integrity: Commit to unwavering honesty and ethical standards in all business dealings, setting a clear example that distinguishes you from prevailing norms.
  2. Engage in Continuous Learning: Regularly study the Bible and other spiritual materials to deepen your understanding of God’s Word and how it applies to leadership and business.
  3. Mentorship: Offer guidance to younger or less experienced Christian professionals, helping them integrate their faith with their work.
  4. Community Involvement: Actively participate in and support community and church initiatives that align with Christian values, demonstrating the practical application of faith in public life.
  5. Public Witness: Use your platform in the business world to openly share the principles of your faith when appropriate, especially focusing on the values of compassion, justice, and service.

Discussion Questions for Reflection and Engagement

To deepen your understanding and reflection on the article’s themes, consider these discussion questions:

  1. Reflecting on Jeremiah’s Warning: How do the failings of ancient leaders, as described by Jeremiah, mirror the challenges leaders face today, and what lessons can we draw for Christian leadership in the business world?
  2. Integrity in Leadership: How can Christian business leaders stand out in an environment where honesty and ethics are often compromised?
  3. The Role of Faith in Business: How can integrating Christian faith with business practices impact your company culture, employee relations, and customer satisfaction?
  4. Mentorship and Discipleship: What strategies can be employed to effectively mentor young Christians in the workplace, ensuring they grow professionally and spiritually?
  5. Navigating Challenges: Considering the current low trust in leadership across various sectors, what practical steps can Christian leaders take to rebuild trust and demonstrate ethical leadership?

More Articles

I have written several articles on obedience to God. You can find them by typing “Obedience to God” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent articles.

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Category: Personal Development | Obedience to God

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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