July 8


#594: Embracing Interruptions: Six Lessons from Jesus for Christian Business Leaders

Discover how embracing interruptions can transform your leadership, inspired by the timeless lessons from Jesus' ministry. Learn to turn disruptions into divine opportunities for growth and connection.

By Ron

July 8, 2024

minute read time


Imagine you’re in the middle of an important meeting, deeply engrossed in the discussion, when suddenly, there’s a knock at the door—an interruption. Your first instinct might be frustration, but what if this interruption holds a hidden opportunity?

Throughout his ministry, Jesus experienced numerous interruptions. Instead of viewing them as distractions, he embraced them as moments of divine significance. For today’s Christian business leaders, there is much to learn from how Jesus handled interruptions while teaching, blessing children, healing, traveling, and praying.

The Hidden Opportunity in Interruptions

Interruptions can be frustrating, especially when you’re focused on achieving your goals. However, every interruption is an opportunity in disguise. Jesus’ example is not just a historical account, but a relevant guide for modern leaders. He showed us that even in the busiest and most critical moments, there is value in pausing to address the needs of others. These moments in Jesus’ ministry reveal profound lessons that can guide today’s leaders in embracing interruptions, making you feel understood and guided in your leadership journey.

1. Teaching and Healing: Flexibility and Patience

Jesus was often interrupted while teaching or healing, yet he never dismissed those who sought his help. In Mark 2:1-12, while teaching in a crowded house, he was interrupted by men lowering a paralyzed man through the roof. Jesus healed the man and used the moment to teach about faith and forgiveness. This demonstrates the importance of being flexible and patient and understanding that interruptions can lead to significant moments of learning and connection.

2. Blessing Children: Compassion and Empathy

In Mark 10:13-16, people brought children to Jesus to be blessed. The disciples rebuked them, considering it an interruption. However, Jesus welcomed the children, showing deep compassion and empathy. Leaders can learn to prioritize understanding and addressing the concerns of their team or community, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

3. Traveling to Heal: Focus on Mission

On his way to heal Jairus’ daughter (Mark 5:21-43), Jesus was interrupted by a woman suffering from bleeding. Instead of ignoring her, he healed her and continued his journey. Despite interruptions, Jesus remained focused on his broader mission. Leaders can learn to stay focused on long-term goals while handling immediate issues, ensuring that short-term disruptions do not derail their overarching vision.

4. Teaching in the Synagogue: Teaching Moments

Jesus was interrupted while teaching in a synagogue by a man possessed by an unclean spirit (Mark 1:21-28). He used this interruption as a teaching moment, demonstrating his authority and power. Leaders can use interruptions as opportunities to educate, inspire, and guide their teams, turning potential distractions into growth opportunities.

5. Praying in Gethsemane: Humility

While praying in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46), Jesus was interrupted multiple times by his disciples falling asleep and finally by Judas and the crowd coming to arrest him. Despite these interruptions, Jesus showed humility and acceptance of his path. Leaders can embrace humility, recognizing that serving others and addressing their needs can enhance their leadership and build stronger relationships.

6. Adapting to Circumstances: Flexibility and Responsiveness

Jesus adapted his actions throughout his ministry to fit the situation, whether healing, teaching, or providing guidance. This adaptability is crucial for leaders, allowing them to adjust their strategies and approaches based on the circumstances they encounter.

Conclusion: Embrace the Interruptions

As Christian business leaders, embracing interruptions can transform potential frustrations into valuable opportunities for growth and connection. The next time you face an interruption, remember how Jesus handled similar situations—with flexibility, patience, compassion, empathy, focus, humility, and adaptability. Challenge yourself to view interruptions not as distractions but as divine appointments that can lead to significant outcomes for you and those you lead. By doing so, you can unlock the transformative potential of interruptions in your leadership journey.

Take a moment today to reflect on how you handle interruptions. How can you turn these moments into opportunities for learning, connection, and growth? By following Jesus’ example, you can become a more effective and compassionate leader, ready to embrace the unexpected with grace and purpose.

Action Steps

To integrate these lessons into your leadership practice, here are five actionable steps you can implement today. Each step is designed to help you embrace interruptions as opportunities for growth and connection, just as Jesus did.

  1. Practice Patience and Flexibility: When interrupted, take a deep breath and pause before reacting. Remind yourself that this moment could hold a hidden opportunity. Approach the situation with patience and flexibility, ready to adapt as needed.
  2. Show Compassion and Empathy: When someone interrupts you, listen actively and try to understand their needs or concerns. Show genuine empathy and compassion, prioritizing their well-being and fostering a supportive environment.
  3. Stay Focused on Your Mission: Remember your long-term goals while addressing interruptions. Use these moments to reinforce your mission and vision, ensuring that short-term disruptions align with your broader objectives.
  4. Use Interruptions as Teaching Moments: Seize the opportunity to educate and inspire. Whether providing guidance, sharing insights, or demonstrating leadership qualities, use interruptions to impart valuable lessons to your team.
  5. Embrace Humility and Adaptability: Approach interruptions with humility, recognizing that they can be opportunities to serve others. Be adaptable, adjusting your strategies and approaches based on the situation and showing that you value the needs of those around you.

Discussion Questions

Consider these five questions to facilitate deeper reflection and discussion on the importance of embracing interruptions. These prompts are designed to encourage thoughtful dialogue among your team or peers, helping you collectively explore and apply the lessons from Jesus’ example.

  1. How do you typically react to interruptions during your workday, and how does this impact your productivity and relationships?
  2. Can you recall a specific instance where an interruption led to a positive outcome or unexpected opportunity? What did you learn from that experience?
  3. In what ways can showing compassion and empathy during interruptions enhance your leadership and strengthen your team’s morale?
  4. How can you balance staying focused on your long-term mission while addressing immediate concerns that arise from interruptions?
  5. What strategies can you implement to turn interruptions into teaching moments, and how can this approach benefit your team’s growth and development?

By contemplating these questions and taking actionable steps, you can transform the way you handle interruptions, turning them into meaningful opportunities for leadership and growth. Embrace the unexpected with grace and purpose, following Jesus’ example, and watch how it enhances your effectiveness as a leader.

More Articles

I have written several articles on wisdom. You can find them by typing “wisdom” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are some of my favorites.

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Category: Personal Development | Wisdom

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • I just read Cal Newport’s newsletter this morning about a little rented cabin in the woods he’s using to write, free from interruptions and distractions. And then I read your piece about embracing interruptions. Which tells me that, in the end, flexibility and patience are key!

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