August 19


#600: Celebrating a Milestone: 600 Articles on Biblical Leadership

Join me in celebrating a milestone of faith and leadership as I reflect on the journey of 600 articles, sharing key insights and exciting future plans to empower Christian leaders worldwide. Discover how we’ve grown together and what lies ahead!

By Ron

August 19, 2024

minute read time

Biblical Leadership, Milestone

As I sit down to write this milestone 600th article, my heart overflows with gratitude. First and foremost, I thank God for calling me to this ministry, for sustaining me, and for guiding each word that I have written.

I am also deeply thankful to you, my readers, who have faithfully supported this ministry by reading, sharing, and living out these teachings in your workplaces around the world. Your commitment is not just inspiring but also integral to the success of this blog.

Looking Back: A Remarkable Journey

In the fall of 2013, I answered God’s call to reach businesspeople through writing. Since then, I have not missed a single week of publishing. Our community now spans 120-140 countries per article, a testament to God’s boundless grace and the hunger for faith-based leadership across the globe. Your participation has made this a truly global movement, and I am proud to be part of it with you.

Reflecting on this journey, several key themes have emerged:

  1. Faith Integration: I have been on a mission to provide you with practical ways to confidently integrate your faith into your daily work life. Seeing you integrate these principles has been incredibly fulfilling.
  2. Biblical Insights: By drawing on Biblical stories and lessons, I’ve aimed to offer wisdom that can be directly applied to your leadership roles. These insights are profound and practical, equipping you with the tools you need to lead effectively in your respective fields.
  3. Personal and Professional Development: Your growth as a leader is essential. My articles have emphasized the importance of personal development, skill enhancement, and building strong relationships as foundational to effective leadership.
  4. Encouragement and Empowerment: My goal has always been to encourage you to live out your faith boldly and empower you to be the inspired, powerful leaders that God intends. Your stories of transformation have been a testament to this mission.
  5. Ethical Leadership: In a world where ethical challenges are abundant, promoting integrity and Christ-centered decision-making has been a recurring theme. Your commitment to ethical leadership inspires others and upholds the values we cherish.

Looking Forward: Vision for the Future

The vision I had in 2012 remains steadfast: to equip, enable, and encourage Christians to be the powerful, inspired leaders God intends us to be. As we look ahead, I am excited to continue publishing weekly articles and accompanying podcasts, ensuring this ministry remains accessible and impactful. (I'm looking forward to celebrating another milestone at 700 articles!)

In addition to these ongoing efforts, I am thrilled to announce two new initiatives. I invite you to participate in these initiatives and contribute to our shared mission:

  1. Online Courses for Pastors: Providing Biblical leadership training, particularly for young pastors with limited leadership experience.
  2. Publishing My First Book: “Kingdom Leadership.” This book offers 12 transformational strategies and spiritual insights for faith-driven leadership in a secular world. I’ve written the manuscript and am in the process of editing it and making decisions about how to publish it. Let me know if you have any experience or insights into the publishing world!
Kingdom Leadership


As we commemorate this milestone, I am filled with hope and expectancy for the future. I trust that God will continue to bless this work and each of you who seek to be the leaders He intends.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey! Your unique contributions and stories have made this journey truly special. Together, let’s continue to build His Kingdom in the marketplace, inspiring others through our faith and leadership.

May God bless you abundantly as you lead with His wisdom and grace.

More Articles

I have written several articles on this topic. You can find them by typing “Purpose/Passion” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. How have these articles helped you on your leadership journey?

I’d love your help. This blog is read primarily because people like you share it with friends. Your support has been invaluable, and I encourage you to continue sharing it by pressing the share button. Let’s spread the message of faith-based leadership together!

Category: Personal Development | Purpose/Passion

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Congratulations Ron. When you started doing this ministry I would have never dreamed it would grow like it has. Since dad is in heaven I am going to speak a comment for him as I know he was really proud of what you are doing. More than anything he was proud to see that you became born again and I know he is looking forward to seeing you again. Your articles each week have been a big help to me in growing in my faith. I always look forward to them.

    • Thanks, Steve! When I started, I felt this was what God called me to do, so I did it. As it grew and I heard from folks worldwide, I realized how great the opportunity to reach business people and other leaders with the truth of God’s Word was. I am honored and humbled to have had this opportunity, and I look forward to reaching more people, especially younger ones.

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