September 9


#603: Peter’s Leadership Development: Five Steps from Fisherman to Shepherd

Discover how a fisherman became a fearless leader and learn five transformative steps to unlock your own leadership potential, inspired by Peter’s journey in John 21.

By Ron

September 9, 2024

minute read time

Leadership Development, Peter

Have you ever felt unqualified for a leadership role? Perhaps you’ve questioned whether you have what it takes to lead with confidence and wisdom.

If so, you’re not alone. Even Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples, struggled with his own inadequacies. But through a profound encounter with the risen Christ, Peter transformed from a hesitant fisherman into a bold shepherd of Christ’s flock. His journey, marked by moments of doubt, failure, and restoration, offers timeless insights into leadership development, especially for those striving to integrate faith into their business practices.

The Five Steps of Peter’s Leadership Development

Peter’s journey in John 21 begins in a place of failure and uncertainty. After denying Jesus three times, Peter felt the weight of his mistakes, leading him to return to his old life as a fisherman. This return to the familiar was not just about fishing; it symbolized Peter’s struggle with doubt and his feelings of unworthiness to lead. However, Jesus had a different plan for Peter. In a powerful encounter by the Sea of Galilee, Jesus not only restored Peter but also laid out a path for his leadership development. This passage captures Peter’s evolution from a broken man to a foundational leader of the early church. Let’s delve into these five steps, each offering a profound lesson for our own growth as leaders.

1. Recognition and Reflection

After a fruitless night of fishing, Peter and the disciples encountered Jesus on the shore. At His instruction, they cast their nets on the right side of the boat and caught a miraculous number of fish. This moment was a profound recognition of Jesus’ presence and provision. (John 21:4-7)

Leadership Insight: The first step in our leadership development journey is recognizing Christ’s presence in our work. This profound recognition, when coupled with reflective thinking on His guidance, can inspire us and align our actions with His will, acknowledging that our successes are not our own but gifts from God.

2. Restoration and Forgiveness

Following his three denials of Christ, Peter faced a painful yet restorative conversation with Jesus. Each time Jesus asked, “Do you love me?” He was offering Peter a chance to affirm his love and commitment, ultimately restoring him to a position of leadership. (John 21:15-17)

Leadership Insight: Leaders often face moments of failure. The path to effective leadership involves seeking and accepting restoration. It’s about embracing forgiveness—both receiving it from God and extending it to ourselves and others.

3. Responsibility and Commitment

Jesus charged Peter with the care of His followers, saying, “Feed my lambs” and “Take care of my sheep.” This commissioning was a call to responsibility and a deeper commitment to serving others. (John 21:15-17)

Leadership Insight: True leadership development is rooted in a commitment to serve. As Christian business leaders, we are called to care for our teams, customers, and communities with diligence and compassion, recognizing the weight of our responsibilities.

4. Understanding Sacrifice and Following Christ

Jesus foretold the sacrifices Peter would make, even to the point of martyrdom. This was a sobering reminder of the cost of following Christ fully. (John 21:18-19)

Leadership Insight: Leadership often requires sacrifice. Whether it’s time, comfort, or resources, leading like Christ means being willing to give up personal gains for the greater good and for the fulfillment of our divine calling.

5. Focus and Perseverance

When Peter inquired about the fate of another disciple, Jesus redirected him to focus on his own path, emphasizing, “You must follow me.” (John 21:20-22)

Leadership Insight: Leaders must avoid the trap of comparison and stay focused on their unique mission. Perseverance in our personal calling, without being sidetracked by the paths of others, is crucial for sustained leadership development.


Peter’s journey from a fisherman to an early church leader is a powerful model for us today. His experiences teach us that leadership development is not an overnight process but a journey filled with moments of reflection, restoration, commitment, sacrifice, and focus. As Christian business leaders, we are called to embrace these steps, allowing Christ to shape us into leaders who can effectively serve and inspire others.

Discussion Questions

Consider these discussion questions further to explore the profound lessons from Peter’s leadership journey. They are designed to provoke thought and encourage meaningful dialogue, helping you relate Peter’s experiences to your own leadership challenges and growth.

  1. How can recognizing Christ’s presence in your work change your approach to leadership?
  2. What steps do you take when you’ve made a mistake or failed in a leadership role?
  3. How can you show a deeper commitment to those you lead?
  4. What sacrifices have you made for the sake of your leadership role, and how do they reflect your commitment to Christ?
  5. How do you maintain focus on your unique calling without being distracted by others’ successes or failures?

Application Steps for Leaders Today

Moving from reflection to action is crucial for leadership development. These practical steps are tailored to help you apply the insights from Peter’s transformation in John 21, enhancing your leadership skills and spiritual growth.

  1. Daily Reflection: Set aside time each day to recognize and reflect on Christ’s presence in your work.
  2. Seek Forgiveness: Regularly seek restoration through prayer, acknowledging your mistakes, and seeking forgiveness.
  3. Serve Diligently: Commit to serving your team and community with compassion and diligence.
  4. Embrace Sacrifice: Be willing to make necessary sacrifices for the benefit of others and the fulfillment of your calling.
  5. Stay Focused: Avoid comparisons and stay focused on your personal leadership journey.

More Articles on Leadership Development

I’ve written numerous other articles on leadership development. You can search for “leadership development” in the search bar to read them. Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

Join the Conversation

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Category: Skills | Leadership Development

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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