September 30


#606: 6 Steps to Finishing Strong as a Christian Business Leader

Leaders who coast toward the finish line miss the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. Discover how six timeless lessons from Joshua 23 can help you finish strong, both in your business and in your faith.

By Ron

September 30, 2024

minute read time

Finishing Strong, Joshua

Every one of the successful leaders I know understands the importance of finishing strong.

Whether they’ve been working long hours under enormous pressure to secure a leveraged buy-out, a product launch, or get a production line up and running, they know when the finish line is in sight, it is no time to let off the gas. They fight the temptation to coast to the finish line with their victory assured. Instead, they double their efforts to race across the finish line. They finish strong.

Successful leaders know that just because the finish line is in sight, it is no time to become complacent, lose focus, or stray from the objective. Complacency can be a silent killer, luring us into a false sense of security and blinding us to potential risks. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and maintain our focus until the very end.

Joshua Finishing Strong

Joshua’s leadership in the Bible provides a timeless example of finishing strong, which is particularly relevant to us as business leaders.

At this point in their journey, the Israelites had physically secured much of the Promised Land. They were no longer wandering or fighting constant battles but were transitioning to a more settled and prosperous existence. However, while they lived in relative peace, the land was not entirely conquered, and challenges remained. The Israelites were grateful for God’s faithfulness, but this new phase brought emotional risks—complacency, spiritual drift, and uncertainty about the future.

With Joshua’s leadership nearing its end, the people faced the danger of losing focus, compromising their faith, or straying from God’s commands. Joshua’s farewell address is a powerful reminder for leaders to stay faithful, avoid complacency, and press on to finish strong.

His words, full of wisdom and warning, are as relevant today for us in the marketplace as they were for the Israelites centuries ago. In this article, we’ll explore six key lessons from Joshua 23 that can help guide us toward finishing strong in our leadership and spiritual lives.

1. Remember God’s Faithfulness

Joshua begins his farewell by reminding the Israelites of all the ways God had been faithful to them. He had delivered them from their enemies and brought them into the Promised Land, fulfilling His promises (Joshua 23:3). As Christian business leaders, it is essential to reflect regularly on God’s faithfulness in our own journey. Whether it’s a successful project, overcoming a difficult challenge, or simply the provision we experience daily, remembering God’s faithfulness strengthens our confidence in His ongoing work in our lives. It grounds us in humility and gratitude, reminding us that our success is not by our strength alone but by His hand.

When we reflect on God’s faithfulness, it fuels our perseverance. In moments of doubt, remembering past victories reminds us that He will continue to guide and sustain us, helping us to finish strong. Leaders who fail to look back with gratitude often lose sight of the source of their strength and may falter under pressure.

2. Remain Obedient to God’s Word

Joshua’s emphasis on strict obedience to the Law of Moses is a powerful reminder for us as business leaders. In a fast-paced business world, it’s easy to rationalize small compromises but staying grounded in Scripture ensures that our decision-making aligns with God’s principles.

In today’s business climate, there are constant pressures to conform to cultural norms that may conflict with our faith. Obedience to God’s Word, even when it is difficult or countercultural, is essential for finishing strong. Leaders who are willing to stay true to biblical values in every aspect of their work will maintain their integrity and avoid spiritual drift.

3. Avoid Idolatry and Compromise

Joshua warns the Israelites against associating with the remaining nations and adopting their idolatrous practices (Joshua 23:7-8). For Christian business leaders, this serves as a powerful reminder to avoid compromise. In the marketplace, idols may come in the form of power, wealth, or success, tempting us to prioritize them over our relationship with God. We may also be tempted to adopt practices that conflict with our faith in order to gain short-term benefits.

Leaders who finish strong resist the allure of compromise. They maintain purity in their devotion to God and make decisions that honor Him, even when it comes at a cost. Avoiding spiritual compromise ensures that our leadership remains authentic and Christ-centered. This unwavering commitment is essential for long-term success and spiritual endurance.

4. Be Courageous and Stand Firm

Joshua calls the Israelites to be strong and courageous, knowing that God fights for them (Joshua 23:10-11). In business leadership, courage is essential, especially in the face of difficult decisions or opposition. Standing firm on biblical principles will often invite criticism or resistance, but we are called to lead with courage, trusting that God is with us.

Courageous leadership doesn’t mean the absence of fear but rather the willingness to move forward in faith, even when challenges seem insurmountable. Just as Joshua encouraged the Israelites to stand firm in their commitment to God, Christian leaders are called to stand firm in their convictions. This boldness, grounded in faith, is what enables us to persevere and finish strong, even when the path ahead is uncertain.

5. Recognize the Consequences of Disobedience

Joshua makes it clear that disobedience will bring consequences, warning that if the Israelites turn away from God, they will lose the blessings He has given them (Joshua 23:12-13). As leaders, we must recognize that our choices carry spiritual and professional consequences. Small acts of disobedience can lead to larger consequences, damaging our reputation, relationships, and ultimately our witness as Christian leaders.

Just as Joshua warned the Israelites to consider the cost of disobedience, we must carefully weigh our decisions and actions. When we choose to align our business practices with God’s Word, we invite His continued blessing and protection. Disobedience may bring short-term gain, but it leads to instability and loss in the long run. Leaders who recognize this will prioritize long-term faithfulness over fleeting success, finishing strong in both their spiritual and professional lives.

6. Commit to Serving the Lord Fully

Finally, Joshua calls the Israelites to serve the Lord with all their heart and soul, reminding them of God’s unbroken promises (Joshua 23:14). For Christian leaders, this is a call to wholehearted commitment. To finish strong, we must serve God in every aspect of our lives—our work, decisions, and leadership.

Half-hearted service will not sustain us through the trials and pressures of leadership. Leaders fully committed to serving God, regardless of the personal or professional cost, finish strong. When we dedicate our work to the Lord, our leadership becomes a testimony of His grace and faithfulness. This complete surrender enables us to run the race with endurance and cross the finish line with integrity.


Joshua’s farewell address to the Israelites is a timeless reminder of the importance of finishing strong. For Christian business leaders, these six principles—remembering God’s faithfulness, remaining obedient to His Word, avoiding compromise, standing firm with courage, recognizing the consequences of disobedience, and committing fully to serving God—are crucial for maintaining spiritual and professional integrity. As we apply these lessons in our leadership journey, we position ourselves not only to achieve business success but to do so in a way that honors God and leaves a lasting legacy of faithfulness.

Action Steps

As Christian business leaders, applying the principles from Joshua 23 requires practical steps to ensure we finish strong in our leadership and faith. Here are five action steps to implement:

  1. Schedule Regular Reflections on God’s Faithfulness
    Set aside time at the end of each week or month to reflect on how God has been faithful in your business and personal life. Write down specific instances where He has provided, guided, or protected you. This regular reflection will help you maintain a posture of gratitude and remind you to rely on God as you lead.
  2. Commit to Daily Bible Reading and Prayer
    To remain obedient to God’s Word, integrate a daily practice of reading Scripture and praying for guidance in your business decisions. Set aside a consistent time each day to seek God’s wisdom, ensuring that your leadership aligns with His principles.
  3. Identify and Eliminate Idols in Your Business
    Take a close look at your business priorities. Are there any “idols”—such as profit, power, or recognition—that you may be prioritizing over your faith? Once identified, take intentional steps to refocus your leadership on serving God first, even if it means sacrificing short-term gains.
  4. Build a Support System for Accountability
    Surround yourself with other Christian leaders who can hold you accountable in your walk with God. Whether through a Bible study group, a mentor, or trusted colleagues, regular check-ins with others will help you remain courageous and stand firm in your convictions when faced with difficult decisions.
  5. Review the Consequences of Past Decisions
    Take time to reflect on both successful and challenging decisions you’ve made. Consider the long-term consequences of decisions made in obedience versus those made out of disobedience or compromise. Use these insights to guide future decision-making and help you focus on finishing strong.

Discussion Questions

These discussion questions are designed to spark thoughtful reflection and conversation among Christian business leaders about the principles in Joshua 23. Use these in a leadership group or personal study.

  1. In what ways have you seen God’s faithfulness in your business journey, and how does reflecting on His past faithfulness help you face current challenges?
    This question encourages leaders to pause and recognize how God has worked in their lives, building confidence and trust in Him for future endeavors.
  2. What are some ways that small compromises in your business practices might lead you away from God’s commands? How can you guard against this?
    This prompts leaders to evaluate areas where they might be tempted to cut corners or stray from biblical values and to develop strategies for maintaining integrity.
  3. How do you personally handle the pressure to conform to secular business norms that conflict with your faith? What has helped you stand firm in those moments?
    By sharing experiences of standing firm under pressure, this question fosters dialogue about being bold in maintaining faith-based principles in the workplace.
  4. What “idols” might be competing with your devotion to God in your leadership? How can you remove these distractions and refocus on serving God?
    Leaders are encouraged to examine what they may be prioritizing over God and take steps toward reprioritizing their faith in their leadership.
  5. What consequences have you observed, either personally or in others, when disobedience to God’s Word affects leadership decisions? How can these lessons help you finish strong?
    This question emphasizes the importance of aligning decisions with God’s Word and encourages reflection on the impact of disobedience and the benefits of faithfulness.

More Articles

I have written several articles on commitment. You can find them by typing “Commitment” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are several of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Which aspect of finishing strong has been most important in your life?

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Category: Personal Development | Commitment


Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • When I think about #3 and idolatry, I think about society today with its idolization of wealth, fame, and human physical beauty at the expense of charity, virtue, and humility. if more people embraced your action steps, we’d be better off.

    • Hi John! I agree idolatry takes on a variety of forms that impact our society in a negative way. FYI, All my websites were hacked and flooded with malware last week. I am just now getting the sites up and running again. So frustrating!

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