October 7


#607: Why Complete Obedience to God Is Key to Successful Leadership

Discover why partial obedience to God can hinder your leadership success and learn how fully following His instructions can unlock blessings and clarity in your business decisions. Don’t miss the insights from Abraham’s journey that every Christian leader needs to know!

By Ron

October 7, 2024

minute read time

Abraham, Disobedience, Lot, Obedience

Obedience is vital for success in any leadership role, yet it can often be one of the hardest principles to practice fully.

Imagine you’re a leader in a company tasked with overseeing a large project. Your CEO gives you specific instructions: streamline the team, focus on efficiency, and reduce costs by 20%. However, you feel conflicted. A few members of your team are long-time colleagues, and while they aren’t the most efficient workers, you can’t bring yourself to part ways with them. So, instead of following the directive completely, you decide to only make minor adjustments to the team and hope that things will still work out. The project suffers because the team is not as effective as it could have been, and you realize that your partial obedience to the CEO’s instructions led to unintended consequences.

This scenario mirrors what many Christian leaders experience in their walk with God. Sometimes, God’s instructions are clear, but we find ourselves making compromises, torn between cultural or personal responsibilities and full obedience to His command. For instance, you might be faced with a decision to cut corners in a project to meet a deadline, or to compromise on ethical standards to secure a deal. These are all instances of partial obedience that can lead to unintended consequences.

The Story of Abraham and Lot

Abraham’s story in Genesis 12 presents a powerful example of partial obedience and its consequences. God instructed Abraham to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household and go to a land that He would show him. Abraham obeyed… mostly. He left his home and followed God’s call, but he also brought along his nephew, Lot.

In the culture of Abraham’s time, taking responsibility for one’s family was a deeply ingrained duty, especially since Lot had lost his father. Abraham likely felt torn between the cultural expectation to care for Lot and the command God had given him to leave his father’s household. This struggle is something many of us can relate to, as we often find ourselves balancing personal and cultural responsibilities with full obedience to God’s command.

While God continued to bless Abraham despite this, the decision to bring Lot led to significant complications. Lot’s presence caused strife between their herders, eventually separating them (Genesis 13). Lot’s choice to settle near Sodom would also result in more heartache, as Abraham had to rescue him from danger (Genesis 14) and later witnessed the destruction of Sodom, where Lot had made his home (Genesis 19). These were not just consequences, but significant and often painful outcomes of Abraham’s partial obedience to God’s instruction.

Yet, even amid these challenges, God’s grace remained with Abraham. The covenant and promises God made to him were not revoked. In fact, after Abraham and Lot parted ways, God renewed His promise to Abraham, reassuring him of the land and descendants he would receive (Genesis 13:14-17). This illustrates both the consequences of not following God’s commands fully and the boundless grace God extends when we do not measure up.

Five Steps for Leaders to Ensure Complete Obedience to God’s Will

Complete obedience to God is crucial for success in our leadership and personal life. Partial obedience leads to complications, missed opportunities, and unintended consequences. As Christian leaders, it’s essential to follow God’s guidance completely to avoid the pitfalls that Abraham experienced. Here are five practical steps for leading with complete obedience to God:

  1. Commit to Full Obedience in Every Decision
    Make a firm decision to follow God’s instructions fully, no matter how difficult they may seem. Partial obedience may feel easier at the moment, but it leads to complications and missed blessings, just as Abraham’s choice to bring Lot resulted in strife and unnecessary challenges.
  2. Align Your Business Goals with God’s Will
    God’s instructions must be at the forefront of your business decisions. When you align your leadership with biblical principles, you open the door for God’s blessings. Prioritize His commands over cultural norms or business pressures that may tempt you to compromise.
  3. Trust God’s Instructions Even When They Don’t Make Sense
    God’s ways are often beyond our understanding, but they are always for our good. Like Abraham, we may feel torn between obedience and worldly responsibilities. However, trusting that God’s plan is perfect will lead to long-term success and peace even when it challenges your comfort.
  4. Lead by Example and Model Obedience for Your Team
    Your actions as a leader set the tone for your organization. When you fully obey God and refuse to cut corners, you model integrity and faithfulness for your team. This fosters a culture of trust and demonstrates the importance of following God’s commands in all areas of life.
  5. Acknowledge and Learn from Consequences of Partial Obedience
    Reflect on areas in your leadership where partial obedience has led to struggles or setbacks. Like Abraham, who faced complications from bringing Lot, recognize that God’s grace covers our shortcomings, but we must learn from these situations to move forward in complete obedience.

Conclusion: The Power of Complete Obedience

As Christian business leaders, we must strive to follow God’s instructions completely, without compromise. Abraham’s story shows us that even minor deviations can lead to significant complications, but it also demonstrates God’s abundant grace when we fall short. Let this inspire us to commit to fully following God’s direction, trusting His plans are always greater than ours.

The challenge for us is to recognize God’s commands and act on them with unwavering obedience. When we do, we position ourselves and our organizations to experience God’s full blessing. Let’s commit to fully following God’s direction, trusting His plans are always greater than ours.

Action Steps for Leaders

Partial obedience to God can lead to unintended consequences in our personal lives and professional leadership. To ensure that we are fully aligned with God’s will, it is essential to take practical, intentional steps to follow His instructions completely.

  1. Evaluate Your Leadership Decisions
    Take time to reflect on your recent business decisions. Are there any areas where you’ve only partially obeyed God’s guidance? Identify one specific area where you can take steps toward complete obedience.
  2. Set Clear Priorities
    Reassess your priorities to ensure God’s instructions are at the forefront of your decision-making process. Align your business goals with biblical values by consistently placing God’s Word above cultural or business expectations.
  3. Seek God’s Wisdom in Confusing Situations
    When God’s commands seem challenging or confusing, pray and ask Him for clarity and understanding. God is faithful in revealing His will to those who earnestly seek it.
  4. Involve Your Team in Godly Leadership
    As a Christian leader, share your commitment to complete obedience with your team. Lead by example and encourage your team to operate with integrity, showing them how following God’s principles guides decision-making.
  5. Establish Accountability
    Find a trusted Christian colleague, mentor, or small group where you can share your struggles and victories in following God’s will. Accountability helps to keep you focused on complete obedience and ensures that others can offer support and encouragement along the way.

Discussion Questions for Group Reflection

Reflecting on the story of Abraham and the broader implications of obedience in leadership is key to deepening your understanding of God’s call. Use these discussion questions to facilitate thought-provoking conversations in small groups or leadership circles.

  1. What Are the Consequences of Partial Obedience?
    When Abraham took Lot with him, he faced several challenges. What are some examples in your life or leadership where partial obedience has led to complications or unintended consequences?
  2. How Do Cultural Expectations Influence Our Obedience to God?
    Abraham likely felt a cultural obligation to care for Lot, but God had called him to leave his father’s household. How do societal or cultural expectations sometimes cause us to compromise in obeying God fully?
  3. What Role Does Fear Play in Obedience?
    In moments where God’s instructions challenge your comfort or security, what fears hold you back from fully obeying? How can you overcome these fears by trusting in God’s plan?
  4. How Can Leaders Prioritize Obedience to God in Business?
    What are some practical ways Christian leaders in the marketplace can ensure they follow God’s instructions in their daily business operations? How can this impact company culture and success?
  5. What Is the Impact of God’s Grace on Our Leadership Failures?
    Even when Abraham partially obeyed, God extended grace and reaffirmed His promises. How have you experienced God’s grace in your leadership when you haven’t fully obeyed His instructions? What did you learn from those experiences?

More Articles

I have written several articles on obedience to God. You can find them by typing “Obedience to God” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent articles.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Which of the five steps to ensure complete obedience to God’s will is most difficult for you, and why?

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Category: Personal Development | Obedience to God

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • “Trust God’s instructions even when they don’t make sense.” In reading this line, I think of conscience. There were times in my career when a solution presented itself that appeared convenient and effective. But something felt wrong about it. I knew there’d be uneven consequences, and thus opposed the solution to the disappointment of some city council members. I learned that what’s easy isn’t always what’s right. And I believe this instinct, this sometimes confusing conscience, are whispers/instructions from God.

    • I hate to admit it, but on more than one occasion I was like Moses, not following God’s instructions to the letter. It bit in the backside every, single, time! Those failures to follow God’s leading over the years made me far more aware of the importance of following where God leads every, single, time!

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