Bible Study for Leaders

For years and years I read through the Bible every year. Sometimes I would get behind for a few days, feel guilty, and have a marathon reading session to get caught up!

Then while I was in seminary and working as COO of a missions organization I was studying and preparing lessons, but not reading for my own edification.

And that brings me to 2015.

One of my goals for 2015 was to read through the Bible once again. To re-establish that habit of being in God’s Word on a daily basis.

BUT, I decided I didn’t want to simply read through the Bible. I wanted to study as I went, and to make notes in the margins of things I found interesting. On my very first day I realized making notes in the margins wasn’t enough so I decided to keep a journal of the interesting things I noticed every day in my reading.

Reading the Bible through is wonderful.

Making notes in the margin helps me remember key points in the scripture.

But WOW!

Writing my study notes down in a journal brought out a richness in the scripture that I have never, ever realized before. Despite all my years of reading through the Bible, and despite all that concentrated study in seminary, the simple act of journaling what I learned from the scripture that day has been the best experience ever!

I would love to have you join me on this journey.

I launched a new website "Bible Study Daily" where I've developed several Bible Studies designed to help you read, study and  grow into the powerful, inspired leader God intends you to be.

Four Studies to Choose From:

  • The Genesis - Revelation study covers the entire Bible in one year. The books of the Bible are studied in the order in which they appear.
  • The Chronological study covers the entire Bible in one year. The scripture is studied in the order in which the events occurred in history.
  • The 90-Days in the New Testament study covers the New Testament in 90-days. The study covers about three chapters a day. Each chapter is divided into multiple sections. There are three questions about each section and one application for you to make from each section.
  • The New Testament in a Year study covers the New Testament in a year. The study covers about one chapter per day, Monday through Friday. Each chapter is divided into multiple sections. There are several questions about each section and 2-3 applications for you to make from each section.

I’d love it if you would join me and the community of other believers! I created a free guide that explains the exact 4-step method I use in my study every day, and it is my ministry gift to you when you join one of our studies.

Together, as members of the family of God we will read, study, and journal our way through the Bible this year. And I promise, studying God’s Word this way will bring a richness to your life that you have never experienced before!

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