January 2


#515: What Does It Mean to Be the Powerful, Inspired Leader God Intends You to Be?

My passion is purpose driven. I am here to equip, enable, and encourage you to live out your faith in the workplace to the glory of God.

By Ron

January 2, 2023

minute read time

Inspired Leader, Powerful

If you look at my website or listen to my podcast, you know I want you to be the powerful, inspired leader God intends you to be!

What does that mean, “to be the powerful, inspired leader God intends you to be?” Well,

  • A powerful leader can effectively influence people and events.
  • A leader inspired by God is guided by the Word of God.

So, a powerful leader inspired by God is a leader who is effectively able to influence people and events because they are influenced, guided, and led by the Word of God.

That’s what I want for me. I want to be a powerful leader inspired by God. And that’s what I want for you, to be the powerful, inspired leader God intends you to be.

Christian Leaders Need Help!

The problem, as I see it, is that there is an enormous gap between wanting to be a powerful leader inspired by God and actually being one.

A study conducted by Riedel Research for Saddleback Church underscores this opportunity gap:

  • 95% of Christians feel integrating their faith in the workplace is important, but
  • 85% feel like they have no idea how to do it. They feel like they are just “winging it.”

As a result:

  • 75% are cautious in their approach to integrating their faith in the workplace because,
  • 60% fear they will be misunderstood, offend their colleagues, or even negatively impact their careers.

So, while nearly all Christians think it’s essential to integrate their faith in the workplace, most feel they are poorly equipped to do so. As such, they are afraid they’ll do it wrong, be judged negatively, and as a result, are afraid to do anything.

They are “secret agent Christians.” These secret agent Christians are not powerful because they are not effectively influencing people or events. And they are not leaders inspired by God because God does not intend for us to hide in a corner. He intends for us to proclaim His truth to the world boldly.

My Passion is Purpose Driven

My passion for the last ten years I have been writing this blog and producing the podcast is to help you become the powerful, inspired leader God intends you to be. My 3E strategy to accomplish this comprises:

1. Equipping

I am equipping you with the Biblical insights you need.

2. Enabling

Enabling you in very practical ways to put those insights into use.

3. Encouraging

Encouraging you to remain steadfast in your determination to live out your faith in the workplace.

Every blog I write and podcast I record has one, two, or all three of these elements.

Ultimately, I believe you cannot be a leader inspired by God unless you know the Biblical leadership principles.

But knowing the Biblical principles and putting them into practice are two different things, so I endeavor to provide practical ways to apply the insights to your everyday work life.

Finally, I know that the world is opposed to Christ and, by extension, to you, so I want to encourage you in your walk. My goal is to help you remain steadfast in your determination to integrate your faith in the workplace.

When equipped with God’s Word and know how to live out His principles in our work, then and only then will we be the powerful, inspired leaders God intends us to be. And to be powerful, inspired leaders over the long haul, we need encouragement. We need to know we are not alone. So, I am here to encourage you and sustain you in any way I can as you integrate your faith in the workplace!

I am thankful to each of you, my loyal readers and listeners, for joining me every week as we seek to attain the ranks of powerful leaders inspired by God who are making a difference in His Kingdom daily!

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a useful framework for guiding a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  1. What are the key attributes of a powerful, inspired leader, and how can leaders integrate these into their professional lives?
  2. What are some of the common challenges faced by Christian leaders who seek to integrate their faith in the workplace, and how can they overcome these obstacles?
  3. How can leaders use the 3E strategy of Equipping, Enabling, and Encouraging to become more effective in their roles and develop into the type of leader God intends them to be?
  4. What are some practical ways for leaders to apply Biblical insights to their everyday work lives and become more influential in their workplaces?
  5. What are the benefits of being a powerful, inspired leader, and how can leaders measure their progress in achieving this goal?

More Articles

I have written several articles on this topic. You can find them by typing “power and influence” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are five of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. What does it mean to you to be a powerful leader inspired by God, living out your faith in the workplace?

I’d love your help. This blog is read primarily because people like you share it with friends. Would you be kind enough to share it by pressing the share button?

Category: Relationships | Power/Influence

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • I think the key is one’s personal behavior at work. Leading by example. Showing virtue, kindness, empathy, forgiveness, hope. If one tries to proselytize, it will often be met with resistance or even an admonishment from HR. But if one leads by example, it opens a door. Perhaps others will see the small cross you wear, the bible on your desk. Or at some point they’ll ask. And there is the opening, to share the good news.

    • People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. In the workplace evangelism seminar I’ve participated in, we refer to the “open door” as building relational bridges. Building relationships with people by demonstrating how much you care opens the door, as you say, giving you an opportunity to share the Gospel. It’s all about living out our faith in real life in real ways.

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