June 19


#539: 6 Leadership Lessons from the Story of the Old Prophet

Discover timeless leadership lessons from the story of the Old Prophet and learn how to navigate the complexities of leadership with integrity and wisdom.

By Ron

June 19, 2023

minute read time

Leadership Lessons, Man of God, Old Prophet

Leadership is a challenging and often lonely road. The pressures and expectations of leading an organization or a team can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout.

Moreover, leaders today face various complex issues and ethical dilemmas that require wisdom, discernment, and integrity. Yet, as we look around, we see examples of leaders who have fallen prey to deception, personal gain, or self-interest and have caused harm to those they were supposed to serve.

However, we also see examples of leaders who have embraced the principles of humility, obedience, accountability, and restoration and positively impacted their communities.

The story of the Old Prophet in 1 Kings 13 provides timeless insights for modern leaders on the dangers of deception, the importance of obedience, and the need for accountability and restoration. So, let’s examine six lessons for us as leaders today from the story of the Old Prophet and his encounter with the Man of God.

1. Beware of False Prophets

The Old Prophet deceived the Man of God, causing him to disobey God’s command. Leaders must be cautious of those who claim to be experts but have hidden agendas or are not aligned with the truth. Leaders should test every spirit and seek God’s wisdom to discern whom to trust and follow.

2. Prioritize Obedience to God’s Instructions

The Man of God received an explicit instruction from God, but he was tempted to deviate from it when the Old Prophet contradicted him. Leaders must prioritize obeying God’s instructions over pleasing people or seeking shortcuts. Leaders who honor God’s will are more likely to succeed in the long run and avoid unnecessary mistakes and setbacks.

3. Take Responsibility for Your Actions

After a lion killed the Man of God due to his disobedience, the Old Prophet took responsibility for deceiving him and buried him in his own tomb. Leaders should take responsibility for their actions, even if it means admitting fault or facing the consequences. Leaders who own up to their mistakes and make amends demonstrate integrity and earn respect from others.

4. Honor God Above Personal Gain

The Old Prophet would deceive the Man of God to benefit himself, even though he knew it was wrong. Leaders should not compromise their values or faith for personal gain or fame. Leaders who prioritize honoring God above their own interests are more likely to inspire others and positively impact society.

5. Seek Restoration and Forgiveness

After the Old Prophet buried the Man of God, he asked his sons to bury him in the same tomb when he died as a sign of repentance and reconciliation. Leaders should seek restoration and forgiveness when they have wronged others or caused harm. In this way, leaders who demonstrate humility and strive to make things right can restore trust and unity in their communities.

6. Embrace Humility and Wisdom

Leadership requires courage, vision, and a deep commitment to serving others. However, leaders must also remain humble and acknowledge their limitations and vulnerabilities. They must recognize that they are not infallible and that they need the support and wisdom of others to succeed. Accordingly, leaders must be willing to seek help and advice when facing challenges or uncertainty and be open to new perspectives and ideas that can enrich their leadership and their lives.


In conclusion, the story of the Old Prophet teaches us that leadership is a sacred trust that requires wisdom, discernment, obedience, accountability, and restoration. Leaders who follow these principles can inspire trust, respect, and loyalty among their followers. In addition, they can build bridges across divides and bring people together for a common purpose.

However, leaders who ignore these principles risk causing division, mistrust, and conflict. Let us learn from this ancient story and apply its lessons to our lives and leadership today. Let us strive to honor God and serve others with true integrity and humility, leaving a legacy of hope and inspiration for future generations.

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for guiding a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • How can leaders today avoid falling prey to false prophets who claim to be experts but have hidden agendas or are not aligned with the truth? What measures can they take to discern whom to trust and follow?
  • In what ways can leaders prioritize obeying God’s instructions over pleasing people or seeking shortcuts? How can they balance the demands of their stakeholders with their commitment to God’s will?
  • When leaders make mistakes or act wrongly, how can they take responsibility for their actions and look to make amends? What steps can they take to demonstrate humility, integrity, and accountability?
  • How can leaders ensure they honor God above personal gain or fame? What practices can they adopt to cultivate a servant’s heart and a sacrificial spirit?
  • What role do restoration and forgiveness play in leadership? How can leaders restore trust and unity in their communities when they have wronged others or caused harm? What steps can they take to promote reconciliation and healing?

More Articles

I have written several articles recently on character. You can find them by typing “Character” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Which of the six lessons in the story of the Old Prophet is most important to you as a leader? Which do you think is most lacking among leaders today?

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Category: Personal Development | Character

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • I remember we had an employee under investigation by our internal affairs for lying. As police chief I felt we had enough to fire the employee, but I sent the entire investigation to an expert attorney who reviewed the matter. The attorney advised me not to fire the employee, that he didn’t feel we had enough to win in court. And so despite my confidence, I embraced humility and took the attorney’s advice. The employee was counseled and, surprisingly, went on to perform very well.

    • Humility was always a tough one for me, especially early on in my career! Maybe it’s part of the DNA of people drawn to the sales world, but pride kept me from leveraging the knowledge of many of the wise leaders I worked with. I’m not sure when, but over the years, I came to realize how much other people knew and came to respect their expertise.

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