August 21


#548: Do You Know the Power of “I Will Be With You” in Your Life?

Discover the unwavering presence of God in your business journey - explore biblical examples that provide inspiration and guidance for Christian professionals facing transitions and challenges.

By Ron

August 21, 2023

minute read time

I am with you, I will be with you

In the dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, Christian professionals often encounter numerous transitions, challenges, and moments of uncertainty. Whether it’s a change in leadership, navigating through tough times, facing fierce competition, or experiencing doubts about the future, the journey can sometimes feel overwhelming.

However, as followers of Christ, we have the extraordinary promise of God’s steadfast presence. This article will examine how biblical examples of God’s assurance, spoken to individuals facing diverse circumstances, can inspire and guide us as Christian professionals on our business journeys.

Leadership Transitions – Trusting in God’s Guidance

When God spoke to Moses from a burning bush, commissioning him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses expressed doubts about his ability to fulfill this monumental task. In response, God assured Moses in Exodus 3:12, saying, “I will be with you,” and provided a sign of His presence. Similarly, after Moses’ death, God spoke to Joshua, who was about to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, encouraging him to be strong and courageous, saying  in Joshua 1:9, “The Lord your God will be with you.” These examples demonstrate that, during times of leadership transition, we can place our trust in God’s guidance, relying on His unwavering presence to navigate unfamiliar territory with confidence and strength.

Times of Challenges – Drawing Strength from God

The Israelites faced numerous difficulties and trials throughout their journey, yet God reassured them of His constant presence and protection. In Isaiah 43:2, God said, “I will be with you,”  promising to be with them even amid overwhelming circumstances like passing through water and fire. Similarly, when Gideon doubted God’s presence and questioned his mission, God assured him, saying, “I will be with you,” and promised victory in Judges 6:16. These accounts remind us that we can draw strength from God’s faithful presence in times of challenges. He stands by our side, equipping us with resilience and courage to overcome obstacles and persevere.

Moments of Doubt or Uncertainty – Resting in God’s Assurance

Isaac, facing opposition and challenges, received assurance from God in Genesis 26:24 saying, “I will be with you,” and bless you, just as He had promised Isaac’s father, Abraham. Similarly, in 2 Samuel 7:9, God acknowledged His presence with David, saying, “I have been with you,” assuring him of a lasting dynasty. These examples teach us that we can find solace in God’s covenant with us in times of doubt or uncertainty. His unwavering presence provides us with a firm foundation, enabling us to face uncertainties confidently, knowing He is with us.

Overcoming Fear – Restoring Confidence through God’s Promised Presence

In the competitive landscape of the business world, where rivals and competitors vie for success, it’s easy to lose confidence and even feel fearful. However, the story of Gideon in the Book of Judges reminds us of God’s restorative power. When Gideon doubted his ability to confront the Midianites, God assured him, saying, “I will be with you.” As Christian professionals, we can take solace in knowing that God is on our side. With His guidance, we can face our competitors fearlessly, trusting in His provision and wisdom. We can find victory amid fierce competition by aligning our efforts with His plans and relying on His unwavering strength. Our confidence is restored through God’s promise, enabling us to overcome challenges and achieve success.


As Christian professionals, we are not left to navigate the intricacies of the business world alone. God’s faithful presence is an anchor in times of transition, challenges, competition, doubt, and uncertainty. The examples we find in the Bible remind us of His unwavering commitment to be with His people. By embracing His assurance and seeking His guidance, we can lead with confidence, overcome obstacles, and find strength and purpose in our professional journeys. As we entrust our business endeavors to God, may His presence be the cornerstone of our success, giving us the strength and resilience to impact the business world with integrity and grace. Remember, He says to us today, “I will be with you.”

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • How can the promise of God’s faithful presence influence your approach to leadership transitions in your professional life? Reflect on the examples of Moses and Joshua and discuss how trusting in God’s guidance can bring confidence and strength.
  • In challenging times, how can drawing strength from God’s presence impact your perspective and actions as a Christian professional? Consider the experiences of the Israelites and Gideon, and share how their stories inspire you to overcome obstacles with resilience and courage.
  • How can embracing God’s covenant, as exemplified by Isaac and David, help you navigate moments of doubt or uncertainty in your professional journey? Discuss how relying on God’s unwavering presence can provide a firm foundation for facing uncertainties confidently.
  • In the face of fierce competition, how does the promise of God’s presence give you a unique advantage as a Christian professional? Explore the story of Gideon and the Midianites, and share insights on how aligning your efforts with God’s plans and relying on His strength can lead to victory.
  • How can God’s faithful presence transform your overall approach to your business journey? Discuss the article’s key takeaways and share practical steps to embrace His assurance, seek His guidance, and impact the business world with integrity and grace.

More Articles

I have written other articles on dependence on God. You can find them by typing “Dependence on God” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Have you relied on God’s promise, “I will be with you,” in your life?

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Category: Personal Development | Dependence on God

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • I think we all face times when it feels like we’re alone. We forget that so many others have been through similar experiences. And it’s reassuring to remember that God is always there, with us, even when it may not seem so.

    • Amen, John! There is great assurance in knowing “God is with us.” My problem is I often get so busy with life and the swirling mass of problems that surround me, I forget that assurance. I need to remember God is indeed with me. I am not taking on life on my own!

      I was so intrigued by this article, that I looked up all the instances of “God is with you.” I have outlined an 11-sermon series examining these passages. Since I’ll probably never get the chance to preach it, maybe I’ll convert the sermon series into a booklet!

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