September 25


#553: 5 Biblical Leaders Who Prove the Power of Seeking Help

Embrace the power of vulnerability and discover the profound strength in seeking help with this exploration of biblical leaders who offer valuable insights on the importance of seeking assistance, acknowledging our limitations, and transforming challenges into opportunities.

By Ron

September 25, 2023

minute read time

Seeking Help

There exists an enduring myth in our business culture: that seeking help is a sign of weakness.

Leaders, it seems, must bear the entirety of their burden alone, be self-sufficient in all situations, and stand as unwavering pillars of strength. Yet, many seasoned leaders understand that this mindset is unrealistic, even detrimental to the well-being of leaders and their organizations.

In the Bible, a trove of wisdom and guidance for many, including numerous Christian business leaders, we find powerful examples of leaders who understood the importance of seeking help. These individuals recognized that seeking help was not a mark of weakness but one of strength. Let’s examine the lives of Moses, Nehemiah, David, Paul, and Hannah to learn about seeking help from their experiences.

Moses: Embracing Your Limitations (Exodus 4:10-13)

Moses felt overwhelmed when God chose him to liberate the Israelites from Egypt. Instead of pretending to have strength, he understood the importance of seeking help and did not hesitate to do so. His actions led to God providing Aaron to complement his weaknesses, a lesson for contemporary leaders to recognize their limitations and seek help to build well-rounded teams.

Nehemiah: The Wisdom of Strategic Planning (Nehemiah 1)

Nehemiah was stirred to action when he heard about the ruins of Jerusalem’s walls. Still, he didn’t rush in recklessly. Nehemiah prayed, strategized, and understood the importance of seeking help from the king. His approach exemplifies the necessity of strategic planning and forming beneficial alliances, a lesson that today’s business leaders can further apply.

David: The Humility of Seeking Guidance (Psalms)

The Psalms, filled with King David’s prayers, are heartfelt pleas for protection and guidance. David’s humility and reliance on divine guidance remind us of the importance of seeking help, even in positions of power. This principle resonates deeply with business leaders who can benefit from the wisdom of mentors, advisors, and their teams.

Paul: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities (2 Corinthians 12:7-10)

Paul, faced with his “thorn in the flesh,” a mysterious source of suffering, pleaded with God for relief. But God reassured him that His grace was sufficient, teaching Paul the value of seeking help and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Hannah: The Power of Persistence (1 Samuel 1)

In her deep desire for a child, Hannah prayed fervently to God, demonstrating the importance of seeking help, persistence, faith, and patience. These virtues, as important in business as they are in our personal lives, often lead to success following periods of waiting and uncertainty.


The act of seeking help acknowledges our shared humanity and interconnectedness. It strengthens relationships, promotes collaboration, and encourages the exchange of ideas. More than a sign of strength, wisdom, and humility for Christian business leaders, seeking help also expresses trust in God’s providence and guidance.

Leadership does not mean facing challenges alone. As Moses, Nehemiah, David, Paul, and Hannah understood the importance of seeking help, so should today’s leaders. There is strength in vulnerability, wisdom in seeking counsel, and blessings in shared burdens. Understand the importance of seeking help and become the leader God intended you to be.

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for guiding a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed by a task or responsibility. How did Moses’ approach to acknowledging his limitations and seeking help resonate with your experience?
  • Nehemiah’s strategic planning involved asking for help from the king. How can business leaders today implement similar strategies in their organizations? Can you think of an example from your own business experience?
  • David sought guidance throughout his leadership. How can modern leaders cultivate the humility to seek guidance consistently? In what way might a consistent practice of seeking help benefit your team or organization?
  • Paul’s experience teaches us to view challenges as opportunities for growth. Discuss a time when a significant challenge in your business led to an unforeseen opportunity. How did seeking help contribute to this outcome?
  • Hannah’s story exemplifies persistence in seeking help. Discuss how persistence plays a role in your professional life. How can understanding the importance of seeking help, as Hannah did, affect long-term success in business?

More Articles

I have written several articles on a leader’s humility. You can find them by typing “Humility” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent ones.

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As always, questions and comments are welcome. Has pride ever kept you from seeking help from others when you needed it?

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Category: Personal Development | Humility

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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