April 1


#580: The Golden Years of Leadership: Sharing Wisdom and Blessing the Next Generation

Dive into the sea of leadership wisdom: Learn how the golden years can illuminate the path for future leaders through the powerful legacy of wisdom and blessing.

By Ron

April 1, 2024

minute read time

Sharing wisdom and blessing

Imagine a vast sea, its surface reflecting the wisdom of countless stories and experiences. Each wave is a story, a lesson learned over decades of triumphs and setbacks.

This sea is like the journey of Elizabeth, a seasoned leader who, upon entering her senior years, discovered her most impactful role yet. Elizabeth’s career spanned several industries, from technology startups to non-profit organizations, each chapter adding depth to her reservoir of knowledge. Now, as she steps into the autumn of her career, she realizes that her most significant contributions are no longer about achieving personal milestones but about imparting the wisdom she has gathered to guide and uplift the next generation of leaders.

Embracing Your Role in Senior Leadership

In his insightful book, “Courage & Calling,” author Gordon Smith illuminates the path for senior leaders like Elizabeth. Smith says that the senior years of our vocational journey are marked by two pivotal responsibilities: sharing wisdom and giving blessings. This dual role is not just a choice but a Biblically based profound responsibility that shapes the future of industries and communities.

For example, Job wrote, “Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” (Job 12:12). Job asserts that wisdom and understanding are the companions of those who have lived long lives, underscoring the value of their insights.

And Solomon wrote regarding blessing, “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered” (Proverbs 11:25). This proverb reflects the reciprocal nature of blessings; by blessing others, we, in turn, are blessed. It captures the idea that generosity and kindness lead to personal enrichment and community well-being.

I know in my career, once I achieved a certain level of success, I turned my attention to sharing hard-earned wisdom with younger employees in the hopes that I could help them avoid some of my blunders. As for being a blessing, the greatest joy in my later years was realizing how much impact I had by being a blessing to others.

How to Share Your Legacy of Wisdom

Senior leaders possess an invaluable asset: a wealth of experiences and insights. Sharing this wisdom is not merely about recounting success stories but also about exposing the vulnerabilities and failures that shaped their journey. It’s about creating a bridge between generations, where lessons learned serve as beacons for those navigating their paths. This transfer of knowledge enriches the organizational culture, fostering an environment of learning and growth.

Elizabeth, for example, initiated mentorship programs, organized leadership workshops, and engaged in one-on-one coaching sessions. Her stories of resilience in the face of failure inspired younger employees to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Her insights into navigating career transitions provided a roadmap for those at crossroads, emphasizing the importance of values and purpose over mere achievements.

Empowering Others Through Blessings

As Smith articulates, the act of giving blessings goes beyond mere encouragement. It is an affirmation of potential and a call to action. Senior leaders, through their unique position, have the power to instill confidence and courage in the hearts of emerging leaders. By recognizing and validating their efforts, strengths, and potential, senior leaders can ignite the latent capabilities within their younger counterparts.

Elizabeth made it her mission to be an unwavering supporter of her team’s aspirations. She celebrated their achievements, provided constructive feedback, and, most importantly, encouraged them to pursue their vocations with integrity and passion. Her blessings became a source of strength for many, empowering them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace their callings.

Conclusion: A Legacy Beyond Achievements

The golden years of leadership are not about fading into the background but about stepping into a role of profound influence. Senior leaders, through their responsibility to share wisdom and give blessings, have the opportunity to leave a legacy that transcends their personal achievements. This legacy is about shaping the leaders of tomorrow, ensuring that the values of integrity, courage, and compassion are passed down through generations.

Elizabeth’s story is a testament to the transformative power of senior leadership. As we reflect on our own vocational journeys, let us embrace the responsibility to be mentors and advocates for the next generation. In doing so, we ensure that the sea of leadership continues to be a source of wisdom, inspiration, and blessing for all who navigate its waters.

Empowering Future Leaders: Practical Steps Forward

To transform the insights from Elizabeth’s story and the teachings of “Courage & Calling” into practical steps, let’s explore how senior leaders can actively share their wisdom and blessings with the next generation.

  1. Establish Mentorship Programs: Create structured opportunities for senior leaders to mentor younger employees. These programs can provide a platform for sharing experiences, challenges, and insights, fostering a culture of learning and growth.
  2. Organize Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Host regular forums or workshops where senior leaders can share their career stories, lessons learned, and industry insights. Encourage an environment of open dialogue and curiosity.
  3. Document Your Journey: Senior leaders can write articles, record videos, or contribute to company newsletters, sharing their professional journey and the wisdom they’ve gathered. This content can serve as a lasting resource for future generations.
  4. Advocate for Young Leaders: Actively seek opportunities to highlight and promote the achievements of younger employees within the organization. Use your influence to open doors for them, whether by recommending them for projects or introducing them to key contacts.
  5. Provide Feedback and Encouragement: Make a conscious effort to provide constructive feedback and encouragement to younger employees. Focus on their strengths, potential, and growth areas, helping them navigate their career paths confidently.

Reflecting on Leadership: Engaging Questions for Growth

To further reflect on the themes of wisdom-sharing and blessing others, consider these discussion questions either in a group setting or as part of a personal reflection exercise.

  1. Reflecting on Wisdom: Think of a time when a senior leader shared a piece of wisdom that significantly impacted your professional journey. What was it, and why did it resonate with you?
  2. The Role of Vulnerability: How important is it for leaders to share their successes and failures? Can you think of an example where a leader’s vulnerability led to a valuable learning opportunity?
  3. Reciprocity in Blessings: How have you experienced the idea that “whoever brings blessing will be enriched” in your life or career? Discuss how giving blessings has also brought blessings back to you.
  4. The Future of Leadership: What qualities do you think are most important for the next generation of leaders to develop? How can senior leaders best support the cultivation of these qualities?
  5. Creating a Legacy: What kind of legacy do you aspire to leave professionally or personally? How can you begin to take steps towards that legacy now, regardless of your current stage in your career?

More Articles

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Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. What do you think of the opportunity for senior leaders to share wisdom and be a blessing? Is it essential in today’s organizations, or not?

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Category: Relationships | Interpersonal Relationships

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About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Those one and one coaching sessions can reap long term rewards. I had a former employee contact me last year and thank me for encouraging him to seek a graduate education. He recently received his PhD and said that my advocacy for continued education was a big part of his decision to keep going. Needless to say, I was so proud of him.

    • I love hearing stories like that, John. It’s important for us “older” folks to continue to encourage and speak into the lives of those who are following behind us in life’s journey!

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