April 22


#583: How Wisdom and Innocence Shape Christian Business Leadership

Discover how to master the art of ethical leadership in the corporate world, guided by the timeless wisdom of Matthew 10:16. This article offers a roadmap for Christian business leaders to balance shrewdness with integrity, transforming challenges into opportunities for faith-driven success.

By Ron

April 22, 2024

minute read time

Innocence, Matthew 10:16, Wisdom

In the heart of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus imparts a profound piece of advice to His disciples: “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).

This passage, rich in metaphor and meaning, resonates deeply with Christian business leaders today. In the competitive, often unforgiving world of business, how does one maintain the innocence of a dove while navigating the cunning terrain like a serpent?

Today I want to explore the delicate balance of embodying both wisdom and innocence in the corporate sphere, offering guidance to leaders striving to integrate their faith with their professional practices.

Embarking on this journey requires us first to unpack the profound metaphors Jesus uses. These metaphors hold the key to understanding how to walk this tightrope of ethical leadership in the business world.

Understanding the Metaphors

To navigate the challenges of leadership with integrity, let’s explore the three distinct metaphors Jesus employs: being sheep among wolves, wise as serpents, and innocent as doves. Each offers a unique perspective on how to conduct ourselves in the corporate wilderness.

1. Sheep Among Wolves

The image of sheep amidst wolves paints a vivid picture of vulnerability and potential peril—aptly describing the ethical and moral challenges faced in business. This metaphor serves as a poignant reminder of the Christian call to integrity, especially in environments where such principles may be tested or even discouraged. However, a deeper understanding of the other elements of Jesus’ advice is essential to navigate this terrain.

2. Wise as Serpents

In business, wisdom and shrewdness are invaluable. They empower leaders to anticipate challenges, devise strategic solutions, and navigate the complexities of the marketplace. However, this cunning must not veer into deceit; instead, it should be grounded in a deep understanding of ethical practices and a commitment to doing right by others—clients, employees, and stakeholders alike. In this sense, wisdom becomes a tool for ethical navigation rather than manipulation.

3. Innocent as Doves

Similarly, the call to innocence, characterized by honesty, transparency, and unwavering ethical standards, is crucial. It fosters trust and loyalty, laying the foundation for lasting business relationships and a positive workplace culture. Maintaining innocence amidst business challenges is a testament to a leader’s commitment to their values and faith. Together, these qualities of wisdom and innocence form the cornerstone of Christian leadership in the business world.

Navigating the Complexities of Leadership

As we move forward, it’s essential to consider how these biblical metaphors translate into concrete actions within the realm of business. The following sections explore various aspects of leadership where the principles of wisdom and innocence can be applied: challenges and solutions, strategic decision-making, building a culture of integrity, networking, and partnerships, and finally, personal development and spiritual growth. Each area presents unique opportunities for Christian business leaders to embody these virtues, demonstrating the profound impact of integrating faith with professional practices.

1. Challenges and Solutions

One of the foremost challenges in balancing wisdom and innocence is the temptation to sacrifice ethical standards for short-term gains. Leaders might, for instance, confront situations where the line between strategic savvy and ethical compromise seems blurred. In such cases, returning to biblical principles and seeking counsel from trusted advisors can provide clarity and direction.

2. Practical Applications

As we transition into the realm of practical applications, here are three key areas where Christian business leaders can embody the principles of wisdom and innocence: strategic decision-making, building a culture of integrity, and choosing the right partnerships. These three offer tangible ways to integrate biblical insights into everyday leadership practices.

3. Strategic Decision-Making

When faced with strategic decisions, leaders can ask themselves: Does this choice reflect both wisdom and integrity? Will it harm or benefit others in the long run? Such questions can guide leaders toward decisions that align with their business objectives and ethical standards.

4. Building a Culture of Integrity

Creating a culture that values both shrewdness and integrity starts at the top. Leaders can model these virtues by being transparent about their decision-making processes, openly discussing ethical dilemmas, and recognizing employees who exemplify these values.

5. Networking and Partnerships

Choosing the right partners is essential. Engage with businesses and individuals who share your commitment to ethical practices. This mutual respect for integrity can strengthen your network and bolster your company’s reputation.


As Christian business leaders, navigating the corporate wilderness requires a balance of wisdom and innocence—a combination of strategic shrewdness and unwavering integrity. By embracing both aspects, leaders ensure their businesses thrive and exemplify Christ’s profound teachings in their professional lives. Let this dual commitment to wisdom and innocence guide your leadership, transforming challenges into opportunities to demonstrate the depth of your faith and the strength of your principles.

Action Steps

To truly embody the teachings of Matthew 10:16 in your leadership journey, here are five actionable steps you can take to navigate the complexities of the corporate world with wisdom and innocence:

  1. Reflect Daily on Matthew 10:16 – Start or end each day with a few minutes of reflection on this verse. Consider journaling how you were a sheep among wolves, wise as a serpent, and innocent as a dove in your business interactions. This daily practice will help keep these principles at the forefront of your mind.
  2. Conduct an Ethical Audit of Your Business Practices – Schedule regular reviews of your business practices to ensure they align with the principles of wisdom and innocence. This could involve assessing your dealings with clients, suppliers, and employees to ensure transparency, fairness, and ethical behavior in all transactions.
  3. Develop a Mentorship Program—Create or participate in a mentorship program within your business or industry that focuses on ethical leadership. Use this opportunity to share insights on balancing wisdom and innocence in business and to learn from others who have faced similar challenges.
  4. Implement Transparent Decision-Making Processes – Work towards making your business’s decision-making processes as transparent as possible. Involve your team in these processes, explaining the rationale behind decisions, especially those that involve ethical considerations. This fosters a culture of integrity and open communication.
  5. Engage in Community Service – Lead your team in engaging with community service projects that reflect your business’s commitment to ethical principles and social responsibility. This benefits the community and strengthens your team’s understanding of the importance of innocence and wisdom in action.

Discussion Questions

To further explore and discuss the themes presented in this article, consider the following questions with your team or in a leadership group. These questions are designed to provoke thought and inspire dialogue on integrating faith and ethics into business leadership:

  1. How can a Christian business leader maintain their innocence in an industry that often rewards the opposite? – Discuss strategies and personal experiences of navigating industries where cutthroat practices are the norm.
  2. In what ways can wisdom and shrewdness be applied ethically in competitive business environments? – Explore examples of situations where wisdom has been used ethically to navigate complex business challenges.
  3. How does the metaphor of being ‘sheep among wolves’ apply to modern business challenges? – Reflect on personal experiences or hypothetical scenarios where this metaphor holds true, and discuss how to navigate such situations.
  4. What are the potential pitfalls of striving to be ‘wise as serpents’ in business, and how can they be avoided? – Discuss the risks of becoming too focused on shrewdness and how leaders can ensure they don’t compromise their integrity.
  5. How can Christian business leaders cultivate a culture of integrity within their organizations? – Share ideas and strategies for building a business culture that values both wisdom and innocence, drawing from the article’s suggestions or personal experiences.

More Articles on Leadership Development

I’ve written numerous other articles on leadership development. You can search for “leadership development” in the search bar to read them. Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

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As always, questions and comments are welcome. Which aspect of these metaphors is most difficult for you to employ in your business?

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Category: Skills | Leadership Development

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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    • Yes, I’ve observed two species of wolves. There are wolves that are right out in the open, ready to pounce and devour the unsuspecting. Then there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, ready to devour from within our midst! We must remain vigilant.

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