July 22


#596: Nothing is Impossible: Standing Courageously with God’s Hand Upon Us

Discover the transformative power of recognizing God's hand in your leadership journey, drawing inspiration from the courageous example of Ezra to navigate challenges with faith and fortitude.

By Ron

July 22, 2024

minute read time

Ezra, God's Hand

Imagine standing at the brink of a monumental task, one that seems insurmountable by any human standard. The weight of the responsibility is overwhelming, the resources appear scarce, and the path ahead is fraught with uncertainty.

How would you proceed? For Christian business leaders, the story of Ezra offers a powerful lesson: with God’s hand upon us, nothing is impossible. This recognition can empower us, as it did Ezra, to face our challenges with faith and fortitude.

Recognizing God’s Hand in Our Lives

In the book of Ezra, we encounter a man faced with a daunting mission. Ezra was tasked with leading a group of exiles back to Jerusalem and reestablishing their community. This was no small feat. The journey was long and dangerous, and the political and administrative hurdles were significant. However, Ezra 7:28b reveals the secret to his success: “Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leaders from Israel to go up with me.” This story, though ancient, holds valuable lessons for us as modern Christian business leaders, showing us how God’s love can enable us to overcome our own professional challenges.

Just as Ezra recognized the divine support he received, we, too, must be aware of God’s hand in our lives and businesses. Here are four ways God’s hand was upon Ezra as he led the Israelites back to Jerusalem.

1. Divine Favor with Authorities

One of the most striking ways God’s hand was evident in Ezra’s journey was through the favor he found with King Artaxerxes. The king granted Ezra everything he needed for his mission, from provisions to authority. This favor was not merely a stroke of luck but a manifestation of God’s love and support. Similarly, as business leaders, we often find ourselves needing favor with authorities or stakeholders. Recognizing that God’s hand can move hearts and open doors is crucial.

2. Protection and Guidance on the Journey

The journey from Babylon to Jerusalem was perilous and filled with potential threats and challenges. Yet, Ezra and his followers made it safely because of God’s protection. Ezra attributed their safe passage to the divine guidance they received along the way.

In our professional journeys, we may face numerous challenges and risks. Trusting in God’s protection can provide us with the reassurance and confidence to move forward despite the obstacles.

3. Inner Strength and Inspiration

God’s love gave Ezra the inner strength and inspiration to undertake his significant task. This divine encouragement was essential for him to lead with confidence and integrity. As leaders, we also require this inspiration to navigate the complexities of our roles. Drawing on God’s love can empower us to lead with courage and conviction.

4. Encouragement to Mobilize Others

Ezra’s acknowledgment of God’s hand upon him gave him the courage to gather leaders and mobilize the community. This collective effort was crucial for the success of their mission. In business, mobilizing and inspiring our teams is often critical to achieving our goals. When we recognize God’s support, we can encourage others to join us in our mission with renewed vigor.

Conclusion: Courage in the Face of the Impossible

The story of Ezra teaches us that standing courageously before seemingly impossible obstacles is possible when we recognize that God’s hand is upon us. His love manifests in various ways—through favor, protection, inner strength, and encouragement. As Christian business leaders, let us draw inspiration from Ezra’s example and stand boldly, knowing that with God, nothing is impossible.

As you contemplate your personal journey, consider how you’ve witnessed God’s guiding hand in your life. Let this awareness bolster your courage and inspire those under your leadership. In moments of adversity, draw strength from Ezra’s example, reminding yourself that with God’s support, no obstacle is insurmountable.

Action Steps

To translate the lessons from Ezra’s journey into actionable steps for Christian business leaders, consider the following practical strategies for recognizing and responding to God’s hand in your professional endeavors. These steps are not just theoretical, but can be applied in your daily work to enhance your leadership and decision-making.

  1. Cultivate Awareness: Take intentional moments of reflection to recognize instances where God’s guidance, favor, or protection has been evident in your business journey. Keeping a gratitude journal can help you track and acknowledge these moments.
  2. Seek Divine Guidance: Prioritize prayer and seek God’s wisdom in decision-making. Invite Him to lead and guide you as you navigate challenges and opportunities in your business.
  3. Foster a Culture of Trust: Create an environment within your organization where trust in God’s providence is encouraged and cultivated among team members. Share testimonies of God’s faithfulness to inspire faith and confidence in His provision.
  4. Encourage Spiritual Growth: Invest in the spiritual development of yourself and your team members through regular devotions, Bible studies, or prayer meetings. Nurture a corporate culture where faith and work intersect harmoniously.
  5. Act on Faith: Step out in faith when facing challenges or pursuing opportunities, trusting that God’s hand is upon you. Take bold and courageous actions, knowing nothing is impossible with His guidance and support.

Discussion Questions

Engaging in meaningful discussions can deepen understanding and foster growth within Christian business leadership. Reflect on the lessons from Ezra’s journey and explore how they apply to your own business context with these thought-provoking questions. These questions are designed to stimulate deep reflection and dialogue, leading to a richer understanding of how God’s hand is at work in your professional life.

  1. How do you recognize and acknowledge God’s hand in your professional life and business endeavors? Share specific examples or instances where you have seen His guidance or provision at work.
  2. What practices or habits do you employ to seek divine guidance and wisdom in your decision-making processes as a business leader? How do you discern God’s will amid complex challenges or opportunities?
  3. How can you foster a culture of trust within your organization, where team members are encouraged to rely on God’s providence and acknowledge His hand in their work?
  4. How do you prioritize spiritual growth and development within your business or team? How can you integrate faith into the workplace more intentionally to inspire and nurture the spiritual well-being of your employees?
  5. Share a time when you had to step out in faith in your business endeavors, trusting in God’s provision and guidance. What lessons did you learn from that experience, and how has it impacted your approach to leadership and decision-making?

More Articles

I have written several articles on dependence on God. You can find them by typing ‘Dependence on God’ in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent articles.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Have you recognized God’s hand upon you in your business career? If so, in what way??

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Category: Personal Development | Dependence on God

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Ron- your essay made me think of an analogy. Traveling anywhere by ourselves can be lonely and even intimidating. But when we travel with a good companion, it’s much easier. Because we have someone to talk to and lean on. And this is how I view traveling through life with God.

    • You are so right John, having a companion makes all the difference in enduring life’s journey. And with God in our hearts we are always with the very best traveling companion!

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