August 5


#598: What If You Found a Letter from God in Your Mailbox?

Discover what it might be like to receive a personal letter from God, offering commendation, critique, and guidance tailored to you as a Christian business leader. Dive into this imaginative exploration and find inspiration to realign your business practices with your faith.

By Ron

August 5, 2024

minute read time

Letter from God, Revelation

The Book of Revelation contains a series of profound and deeply personal letters addressed to seven churches in Asia Minor. These letters, recorded in Revelation 2-3, offer a unique glimpse into God’s heart as He addresses each church’s strengths, weaknesses, and spiritual condition. They are messages of commendation, criticism, exhortation, and promise designed to guide the churches toward greater faithfulness and alignment with God’s will.

Each letter begins with a distinct description of Jesus, tailored to the needs and circumstances of the specific church. The letters commend the churches for their good deeds, criticize them for their shortcomings, call them to repentance, and offer promises to those who overcome. They conclude with a call to listen to the Spirit, emphasizing the importance of heeding God’s guidance.

As I was studying the book of Revelation and these letters, I wondered, what would happen if God wrote me a letter? What would He say?  I wonder if my letter would read like the letter to the church in Laodicea, where God had nothing but praise, or like the other six letters?

A Personal Letter from God

Imagine with me walking to your mailbox one sunny morning, sifting through the usual assortment of mail.




Junk Mail,

Junk Mail,

And then a letter.

The envelope stands out. It has a certain golden glow. The return address simply reads “Heaven.” Your hands tremble: you’ve never seen an envelope like this before! You open it, and inside is a letter. Your eyes scan the letter and jump to the bottom to see the signature. It simply says “God.”

Now, your hands are really trembling as you begin to read!

Dear Ron,

These are the words of the One who holds all wisdom and knowledge, the Alpha and the Omega, who sees the beginning and the end, and walks among the workplaces of His people.

I know your deeds, your hard work, and your perseverance. You have maintained integrity and honesty in your business dealings, and you have not grown weary of seeking to create a workplace that reflects my principles. You have provided for your employees, showing them respect and care, and you have not tolerated deceit or corruption within your company. Your commitment to ethical practices and your efforts to be a light in the business world are commendable.

Yet I hold this against you: You have become so focused on the success of your business that you have neglected your first love. Your passion for Me and My Kingdom has waned in the face of your daily responsibilities. You have allowed the pursuit of profit to overshadow the pursuit of My presence. Additionally, there are areas where you have compromised, allowing the pressures of the industry to dilute your witness. You have, at times, prioritized growth over godly stewardship and efficiency over empathy.

Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen; repent and return to the fervor of your initial calling. Reclaim the passion and dedication you once had for serving Me through your work. Evaluate the aspects of your business that do not align with My will and make the necessary changes. Seek My guidance in every decision, and let your company be a testament to My love and truth. Do not let the allure of success lead you astray, but strive to balance your business acumen with spiritual devotion.”

To the one who overcomes, I will grant the wisdom to lead with integrity and the grace to sustain you in times of trial. You will experience My favor and see your business thrive not just in profits but in purpose. Your work will become a beacon of hope and righteousness, and I will bless you with a legacy that honors Me. Those who remain faithful will find peace and joy in My presence, and your impact will extend far beyond the marketplace.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the leaders of My people. Listen to My voice, and let it guide you in all your endeavors.



Path to Reflection and Renewal

As you reflect on this imagined letter, take a moment for serious introspection. What would your letter from God say? Where is God speaking to you in your business and personal life? Are there areas where you need to realign with His will? Are there commendable actions you should continue and build upon?

Consider the following steps as you respond to this divine nudge:

  1. Evaluate Your Priorities: Assess whether your business practices and goals align with your spiritual values. Have you allowed the pursuit of profit to overshadow your dedication to God?
  2. Repent and Realign: Identify areas where you have strayed from your initial calling and take concrete steps to return to a path of integrity and godly stewardship.
  3. Seek God’s Guidance: Make it a habit to seek divine wisdom in every business decision. Let prayer and reflection guide your actions and strategies.
  4. Foster a Godly Workplace: Strive to create a work environment that reflects God’s principles of honesty, respect, and care for all employees.
  5. Embrace Your Role as a Light: Recognize your influence in the marketplace and commit to being a beacon of hope, righteousness, and ethical leadership. Your actions and decisions have the power to shape your workplace culture and impact the lives of those around you. By aligning your business practices with God’s principles, you can create a godly workplace that reflects His love and truth.


This exercise is not merely a creative endeavor but a powerful reminder of the importance of integrating our faith into every aspect of our lives, including our business practices. Just as the seven churches received tailored messages from God, we, too, can seek His guidance and strive to honor Him in all we do.

May we be leaders who not only achieve success but also reflect the character of Christ in the marketplace. Listen to His voice, let it guide you, and let your work become a testament to His love and truth.

Discussion Questions

To deepen your reflection and encourage meaningful dialogue, consider these discussion questions that explore the themes and insights from this article:

  1. Personal Reflection: How do you feel about the imagined letter from God? Which parts of the letter resonate with your current business practices and challenge you the most?
  2. Prioritizing Faith: In what ways can you ensure that your pursuit of business success does not overshadow your relationship with God? Can you identify any areas in your business where this might be happening?
  3. Implementing Change: The letter calls for a return to your “first love” and a reevaluation of your business practices. What specific steps can you take to realign your business operations with your spiritual values?
  4. Seeking Guidance: How can you incorporate seeking God’s guidance into your daily business decisions? What practical habits or practices could help you maintain this focus?
  5. Creating a Godly Workplace: What are some ways you can foster a workplace environment that reflects God’s principles of honesty, respect, and care? How can you lead by example in demonstrating these values to your employees and colleagues?

More Articles

I have written several articles on a leader’s character. You can find them by typing “Character” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are a few of the most recent articles.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Have you ever considered what it would be like to receive a letter from God? How might it change your life?

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Personal Development | Character


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About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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    • Carol L. Covin said, “You don’t know how much sunshine you’ve been missing until you wash the windows.” I think it does us a lot of good in our relationship with God and our fellow man to wash the windows of our life a bit more often.

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