July 24


#544: The Unbreakable Link Between Trustworthiness and Christian Business Leadership

Let’s explore three compelling reasons why trustworthiness is the bedrock of every Christian business leader’s character.

By Ron

July 24, 2023

minute read time

Character, Trust, Trustwothiness

In the fast-paced and highly competitive business world, Christian leaders face a unique set of challenges. Balancing their faith with the demands of running a successful enterprise can often be daunting.

However, one principle stands firm as the cornerstone of success for Christian business leaders: trustworthiness. As we delve into the importance of trustworthiness, let’s begin by considering a real-life example highlighting its profound impact.

Imagine a CEO who consistently delivers on promises, honors commitments, and maintains transparency in all business dealings. Consequently, this CEO has earned the trust of employees, customers, and stakeholders. As a result, this company flourishes, attracting a range of new partnerships and opportunities.

Conversely, consider a leader who lacks trustworthiness, breaks promises, engages in unethical practices, and displays an overall lack of integrity. Such a leader would undermine the very foundation upon which success is built.

In my career, I worked for both kinds of leaders. There were those I could trust and a few I never dared. However, I can attest that, in the long-run, trustworthy leaders build their organizations up, while untrustworthy leaders do not.

Are You Trustworthy with A Little or With Much?

God’s Word speaks a lot about the importance of trustworthiness in our personal and professional lives. God says those who can be trusted with small, inconsequential things can be trusted with much more. But, those who cannot be trusted with small things certainly cannot be trusted with much.

Luke 16:10 states, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

This verse is a timeless reminder of the significance of trustworthiness in Christian business leadership. Let us explore three compelling reasons why trustworthiness should be the bedrock of every Christian business leader’s character.

1. Building Strong Relationships

Trust is the lifeblood of relationships, both personal and professional. Accordingly, trust creates a fertile ground for collaboration, effective teamwork, and employee loyalty in business. By establishing a reputation for trustworthiness, leaders foster an environment where individuals feel safe to express their ideas, take risks, and contribute to the organization’s growth. Moreover, trust empowers leaders to forge meaningful partnerships with suppliers, investors, and clients, opening doors to mutually beneficial opportunities.

2. Enhancing Credibility and Reputation

A leader’s trustworthiness becomes a distinguishing factor in a world of skepticism and doubt. Leaders earn their peers, customers, and competitors’ respect and admiration by consistently demonstrating integrity. Trustworthiness is a beacon of authenticity and credibility, attracting clients and investors seeking long-term relationships with ethical and reliable partners. Once tarnished by a breach of trust, a leader’s reputation is arduous to restore, highlighting the vital importance of consistently upholding trustworthiness.

3. Influencing Ethical Decision-Making

Christian business leaders, guided by biblical principles, face a unique responsibility to uphold moral and ethical standards in their decision-making. Trustworthiness is crucial in this process, ensuring that choices are made with transparency, fairness, and accountability. Leaders who prioritize trustworthiness inspire their teams to embrace ethical practices, fostering an organizational culture built on integrity and righteousness. So, by maintaining trustworthiness, leaders exemplify the values of their faith, leaving a lasting impact on their employees and society.


As Christian business leaders, we are called to be trustworthy stewards of the resources and opportunities entrusted to us. As such, trustworthiness should be the foundation upon which we build our businesses, for it empowers us to forge strong relationships, enhance our credibility, and influence ethical decision-making. Let us remember the words of Luke 16:10 and strive to be faithful in the little things, knowing that our trustworthiness in small matters will ripple into greater blessings and success.

Remember, trustworthiness is not just a desirable trait but an essential aspect of Christian business leadership. Therefore, as we strive to integrate our faith into our professional lives, let us continuously reflect on the significance of trustworthiness and its impact on our businesses, relationships, and, ultimately, our witness as followers of Christ.

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article, as well as how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • How does trustworthiness impact the overall success of a business?
  • In what ways can trustworthiness help Christian business leaders differentiate themselves in a competitive market?
  • Have you ever experienced a breach of trust in a professional setting? How did you handle it, and what were the consequences?
  • How can trustworthiness contribute to positive company culture and employee morale?
  • How can leaders effectively communicate their commitment to trustworthiness to their team members and stakeholders?
  • What role does accountability play in building and supporting trust in a business setting?

More Articles

I have written a few articles on character. You can find them by typing “Character” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are five of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. For example, have you worked for untrustworthy leaders? If so, what was their impact on the organization?

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Category: Personal Development | Character

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Trustworthiness seems such a rare thing these days, from politicians to companies. But then again, I think the mass media focuses on the bad stuff and rarely reports on companies and their leaders doing the right thing and fostering trust in their customers. Seems to me if you want to build brand loyalty and grow a business, trustworthiness is essential.

    • Annual surveys of the most trusted professions put pharmacists at the top of the list ahead of even doctors. At the bottom of the trustworthy list are used car salesmen and, you guessed it, politicians! A sad commentary that the people we elect to represent us are among the least trusted!

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