September 4


#550: Why Lot’s Story is Crucial for Understanding Credibility in Leadership

Explore the correlation between credibility in leadership and effective message delivery through the lens of Genesis 19. Find out why Lot's warning fell on deaf ears and what modern leaders can learn from this.

By Ron

September 4, 2023

minute read time

Credibility in Leadership, Lot's Story

Credibility in leadership is a fundamental attribute that shapes the effectiveness of leaders across all sectors. It serves as the cornerstone upon which followers build trust and loyalty.

For Christian leaders, this quality is crucial not only for earthly stewardship but also for spiritual guidance. One of the Bible’s valuable lessons on leadership credibility comes from Genesis 19, which involves Lot’s failed warning to his sons-in-law about the impending divine judgment.

Credibility in Leadership: A Case Study from Genesis 19:14

In Genesis 19:14, Lot, living in the sin-infested city of Sodom, imparts a dire warning to his sons-in-law about God’s impending wrath. Instead of heeding his caution, they perceived his warning as a jest: “But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law” (Genesis 19:14).

Why Credibility in Leadership Matters: Understanding the Disinterest

The dismissal of Lot’s warning pinpoints two critical factors that leaders should heed.

Firstly, the worldliness of Lot undermined his credibility in leadership. Having lived as a resident of Sodom and engaged in its culture and norms, his sudden declaration of doom seemed hypocritical, causing his sons-in-law to doubt his sincerity. This highlights the essence of credibility in leadership: leaders must ensure that their actions align with their words.

Secondly, the hardened hearts of the listeners played a part. As sinners, the sons-in-law were resistant to warnings of divine judgment. Even the most persuasive leader will struggle to reach those unwilling or unprepared to hear their message, further underscoring the need for credibility in leadership.

The Consequences of Ignoring Credibility in Leadership

The disinterest of Lot’s sons-in-law had catastrophic consequences: they perished in the ensuing destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This scenario underscores a stark truth: disregarding a credible warning—particularly warnings from God—can result in grave consequences.

Credibility in Leadership: A Modern-Day Christian Example

In our modern context, Pastor Bill Hybels’s story is a stark reminder of the importance of credibility in leadership. Despite having a substantial following and a significant platform, allegations of personal misconduct and unethical behavior began to surface. When these allegations were confirmed, the leader’s credibility was irreparably damaged. Even sincere apologies and offers of restitution were insufficient to restore the leader’s credibility, and his once-inspiring words were met with skepticism and cynicism.

Credibility in Leadership: A Modern-Day Professional Sports Example

The example of Lance Armstrong exemplifies the critical importance of credibility in leadership. Armstrong, a seven-time Tour de France winner and renowned cancer survivor, was regarded as a powerful leader in professional cycling and cancer advocacy.

However, his credibility plummeted dramatically following his involvement in a doping scandal. Armstrong denied doping allegations for years, maintaining a facade of integrity and resilience. The fallout was severe when Armstrong admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs in 2013. His confession led to a profound loss of respect and trust among his fans, sponsors, and the broader public. His leadership role in the sporting world was irrevocably tarnished. This case underscores the vital role of credibility in leadership – without it, even the most seemingly inspirational leader can fall from grace. It serves as a stark reminder for leaders in all sectors to consistently align their actions with their words.


Genesis 19’s account of Lot and his sons-in-law, together with contemporary examples, underscores the profound importance of credibility in leadership. For those serving in spiritual roles, living out the principles they preach and ensuring their character is consistent in public and private life is paramount. Once credibility is lost, it is difficult to regain, and the ability to convey critical messages can be severely harmed.

Moreover, the tale of Lot’s sons-in-law teaches us that even the most urgent warnings may be ignored if the audience perceives the messenger as lacking credibility or if their hearts are hardened. Therefore, as leaders, it is essential to cultivate credibility and deliver our messages in a way our audience can accept and understand.

Finally, ignoring credible leadership can have severe consequences. As leaders, we must establish and maintain credibility for our messages to be heard and acted upon. As followers, we must maintain an open heart and mind, ready to discern truth regardless of its source. This protects not only our current lives but also our eternal destiny.

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • In your own words, how does the story of Lot in Genesis 19 highlight the importance of credibility in leadership?
  • Can you think of modern examples (not mentioned in the article) where a leader’s lack of credibility has had significant consequences?
  • What steps can leaders take to build and maintain credibility? How does this apply to your own experiences in leadership roles?
  • How does a leader’s credibility affect how others perceive their message? Can you think of instances where a good message was overlooked due to the messenger’s perceived lack of credibility?
  • How does maintaining credibility contribute to spiritual growth and effective stewardship in the context of Christian leadership? How should Christian leaders handle situations in which their credibility is questioned?

More Articles

I have written a few articles on character. You can find them by typing “Character” in the search bar. Meanwhile, here are five of my favorites.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Have you encountered situations where a leader lost credibility? What impact did their loss of credibility have on the organization?

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Category: Personal Development | Character

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • Years ago I read Lance Armstrong’s book, “It’s not about the bike.” His life was an inspiring tale, until revelations of the doping scandal were proven to be true. And there have been several high profile pastors whose bad behavior was exposed. We want heroes and role models, but it’s terribly disappointing when they fall.

    • This is one of the drawbacks of celebrity worship—celebrities are subject to human frailty like everyone else. The higher they climb in their celebrity status, the harder and farther they fall!

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