September 18


#552: Are You a Faithful Steward? How Business Leaders Can Make a Lasting Impact

Discover the transformative power of a faithful steward in the corporate world! Uncover timeless biblical wisdom that empowers business leaders to master the art of time management, financial discipline, and resource utilization.

By Ron

September 18, 2023

minute read time

Faithful Steward

Meet Sarah, a remarkable business leader who has honed the art of becoming a faithful steward in her corporate journey.

Sarah realized the profound impact of embracing faithful stewardship as her business flourished. This article will explore the essence of being a faithful steward and how it empowers business leaders to create lasting positive change. Discover the transformative power of this principle and how it shapes leadership practices in the corporate world.

I. Unveiling the Heart of a Faithful Steward

Being a faithful steward requires a keen focus on investing and spending wisely. In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the master entrusts money to three servants and instructs them to invest it until his return. Upon returning, he evaluates their investment choices, rewarding the two servants who wisely multiplied the funds. At the same time, the one who buried his share faced the consequences of not maximizing the resources.

Similarly, in the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 11:15-32), the son recklessly spends his entire inheritance on extravagant living, ending up with nothing and facing dire circumstances. These two parables illustrate Jesus’ emphasis on the importance of investing and spending responsibly as faithful stewards.

As business leaders, we must adopt a balanced approach to resource management, making wise investment decisions that yield positive returns while avoiding wasteful spending. By heeding these valuable lessons, we can exemplify the traits of faithful stewards, ensuring effective resource utilization and leaving a legacy of responsible leadership.

At the core of every business leader lies the concept of faithful stewardship, epitomizing the responsible management of resources entrusted to us by God. Whether finances, time, talents, or relationships, a faithful steward dedicates each aspect of their life to a greater purpose. Accordingly, embracing this principle empowers leaders to make wiser decisions and establish a deeper purpose in all their endeavors.

II. Mastering Time as a Faithful Steward

As faithful stewards, we heed the wisdom of Ephesians 5:15-16, walking in wisdom and making the best use of the precious gift of time entrusted to us by God. The relentless demands of business can engulf us, leaving little room for personal growth and strategic thinking. Recognizing the value of time, we commit to effective time management, prioritizing essential matters, delegating responsibilities, and investing in self-improvement and spiritual growth. Psalm 90:12 reminds us to number our days and gain wisdom from them.

III. Nurturing Financial Faithfulness in Leadership

Proverbs 3:9-10 teaches us to honor the Lord with our wealth and firstfruits, promising abundant blessings. As faithful stewards, financial stewardship is integral to our leadership responsibility. Avoiding extravagant lifestyles and unnecessary expenses, we embrace biblical principles to achieve long-term stability. By setting an example of financial discipline, we foster a culture of wise spending and responsible budgeting within our organizations, ensuring employees manage their finances well and cultivating a happier, more financially secure workforce.

IV. Leveraging Resources for Enduring Transformation

As good stewards of God’s varied grace, 1 Peter 4:10 prompts us to utilize our gifts to serve one another. Effective business leadership transcends mere profit-seeking. As faithful stewards, we recognize our teams’ diverse talents and skills, nurturing them to foster greater productivity and innovation. We inspire our employees with a sense of purpose, showing them how their work contributes to a larger vision that positively impacts society. Romans 12:6-8 underscores the importance of using our gifts in generosity and acts of mercy, enhancing our leadership impact.


Becoming a faithful steward is a transformative journey that empowers business leaders to make a lasting impact. Embracing responsible resource management, mastering time, nurturing financial faithfulness, and leveraging resources for meaningful change shapes leaders into transformative forces within the corporate world.

Christian leaders must remember that in terms of

  • Time: Every minute of every day is a gift from God, so every decision you make about spending your time is a spiritual one.
  • Finances: Every dollar allocated to you in your budget is God’s money, so every spending decision you make is a spiritual decision.
  • Talents and Skills: Your talent and skills, along with those of every member of your team and volunteer, are gifts from God, so every decision you make about skill and talent utilization is a spiritual decision.

Following in the footsteps of leaders like Sarah, who embody faithful stewardship, we can create a corporate landscape defined by purpose, impact, and enduring transformation.

Discussion Questions

These questions can serve as a valuable framework for a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the article and how its insights and perspectives apply to our lives today.

  • How can business leaders effectively prioritize and manage their time, considering the challenges of a fast-paced corporate environment? How do the principles of time stewardship align with the biblical references in Ephesians 5:15-16 and Psalm 90:12?
  • In what ways can business leaders integrate the biblical principles of financial stewardship, as mentioned in Proverbs 3:9-10, into their corporate culture? How might this impact the organization’s and its employees’ overall financial well-being?
  • Reflecting on 1 Peter 4:10 and Romans 12:6-8, how can business leaders identify and nurture their team members’ unique gifts and talents? How might this approach foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment among employees, contributing to company success?
  • The contemporary example in the article highlights a CEO who consciously decided to allocate profits to support community initiatives. How can businesses balance profitability and social responsibility? What creative ways can leaders steward their resources to impact society positively?
  • How might adopting faithful stewardship principles positively influence a business’s long-term success and sustainability? Share personal experiences or insights on how integrating biblical principles into leadership practices can lead to enduring impact and transformation.

More Articles

This is my first article on stewardship! Here are four recent articles you may enjoy reading.

Join the Conversation

As always, questions and comments are welcome. Do you think Christian leaders must be faithful stewards of all the resources (time, finances, talents, skills, etc.) God has given us?

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Category: Skills | Stewardship

Ron Kelleher round small
About the author

Ron spent 36-years in Sales and Marketing with Procter & Gamble before heading off to Talbot Seminary. Now Ron spends all his time writing, volunteering at church, and loving his beautiful family!
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  • On the subject of financial discipline, I thought of all the students who thought their loans would be forgiven and thus spent money on new cars and other things, only to find out the student loan forgiveness was struck down in court. I’m sympathetic to the high cost of education, but it seems that living beyond our means is an epidemic problem.

    • I know young folks on both sides of the college loan issue. One who, as you described, assumed the loans would be forgiven and started spending as though they already had been. He’s in a panic now because payments may start soon, and has credit card debt that will make it very difficult to service the college loans. The other, I am happy to say is my son-in-law. He kept paying himself the amount of the college loan into a separate account. He figured if the loans were forgiven, he’d have extra savings. If not, he’ll pay off the loan from his special account. I’m proud of him for his financial foresight and discipline to see it through.

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